Do you know what a frenectomy is? This is everything you need to know about this dental treatment

From Clínica Dental ProDent specialists in frenectomy or also known as lingual frenulum surgery, we will tell you everything you need to know about this simple and non-invasive intervention to your oral cavity.

First we must emphasize that the lingual frenulum is a membrane that joins the back of our tongue with the sleep of the mouth and allows us to chew and swallow all kinds of food, speak and also pronounce properly.

This membrane develops during the gestation period, which means that we are born with it, however, at the moment of birth the lingual frenulum is not fully developed.

What does this mean? Since at that moment this membrane is short and finite, its size increases and completes its development as we grow, until it reaches its ideal size.

However, the lingual frenulum does not always develop as it should, and can be much shorter than what specialists consider normal.

In the event that such a situation occurs, it is common for children to begin to experience some types of difficulties when performing certain daily processes, such as: 

  • Chew

  • Swallowing

  • Pronouncing (especially phonemes and consonants that require large tongue movements, such as the letter R,S,T or D)

For all these reasons and many more we should know the importance of a frenectomy, a lingual frenulum that is too short can undoubtedly affect the correct oral development.

For example, we can suffer from a deficient maxillofacial development that can even cause respiratory problems; also a greater possibility of suffering from infections and allergies derived from breathing through the mouth instead of through the nose.

What is a frenectomy and why should we know about this dental treatment?

As we have been telling you throughout this article, frenectomy is nothing more than a surgical intervention that will help you correct the size of the lingual frenulum, when it is too short.

It should be noted that this operation is usually performed on children from the age of one, since from this age we can be sure that the development of the lingual frenulum is not adequate and that it will not be corrected in a normal way with the passage of time.

This treatment is a very simple and uncomplicated intervention, it is not at all invasive and in most cases lasts less than 30 minutes.

It should also be noted that it does not require special care, and therefore the postoperative period is quick and can be endured.

During the revisions our specialist at ProDent will indicate what should be done to ensure optimal recovery, so the patient can lead a normal life as soon as possible.

Types of Frenectomy This is what you should keep in mind!

There are two types of frenectomies, and one or the other will be performed depending on the location of the frenulum:

Lingual Frenectomy

At ProDent we perform this type of intervention when the frenulum is located under the tongue and has a large extension, preventing the movement of the tongue from being normal; as a consequence, its own functions are altered and sucking and swallowing are hindered.

In this case, our specialists will take into account the patient's age and jaw development, as well as the stage of the eruption process.

If it is not fully developed, it will not be advisable to perform such intervention, this problem is usually very recurrent in children and although they can continue eating normally.

This problem will prevent them from communicating properly, in fact, they will have special difficulty in the modulation of some specific phonemes.

Lip Frenectomy 

We must keep in mind that there are two types of labial frenulum, we find the upper labial frenulum and the lower labial frenulum, it all depends on where the patient's frenulum is located, it will undergo one intervention or the other.

At ProDent we will pay special attention to the upper labial frenulum, because if it is not intervened in time it can cause a huge gap between the central teeth, which is not only an aesthetic problem, but in turn leads to problems for the patient's oral health.

On the other hand, in this space created by the upper labial frenulum, food debris accumulates, making it a difficult place to access during brushing, and therefore prone to the accumulation of bacteria and the creation of cavities.

Regarding the lower labial frenulum, we should mention that it can create a fold in the lip, either inward or outward, limiting the patient's mobility and even correct chewing.

For this reason we recommend performing a frenectomy treatment after the eruption of the permanent teeth, since its development can lead to the disappearance of the frenulum, if the problem persists the intervention should be performed.

In ProDent Dental Clinic we must remind you that poor oral hygiene is only the beginning of diseases such as gingivitis or periodontitis.

Why choose ProDent for your frenectomy treatment?

At Clínica Dental ProDent we are specialists in pediatric dentistry, and to ensure that the youngest members of the family feel at home, our facilities are prepared and tailor-made for them.

In addition to what we have already told you, so that patients are more relaxed and do not suffer any discomfort, we carry out a frenectomy treatment with conscious sedation.

Conscious sedation is nothing more than a kind of anesthesia, which allows patients to be totally relaxed during the treatment, therefore they will not feel any pain, but, at the same time, they are conscious and awake during the whole process.

When should I come to ProDent for this type of treatment?

If you notice that your child is having difficulty swallowing, chewing, biting, speaking or pronouncing certain words, do not hesitate to contact us and the best specialists.

Our highly qualified team of dentists will examine your child and perform all the necessary tests to determine if he or she is suffering from any abnormality and provide the best treatment.

What are you waiting for to contact us right now and ask for your frenectomy treatment?

ConceptsSergio Herrera