Do you know what obstructive sleep apnea is? ProDent will help you understand this term

Perhaps when talking about sleep apnea you don't know exactly what this confusing and unheard term is all about.

But by mentioning some of its symptoms such as snoring, choking during sleep, dry mouth and throat, headache and jaw pain upon awakening, you may already feel a little more familiar and others not.

Many times our patients suffer from it and do not know it, but there is no doubt that it greatly affects the quality of life of our patients and the people around them.

We must begin by saying that sleep apnea is a very common disorder among the world's population, especially among middle-aged adults and men, which affects breathing during sleep.

Obstructive sleep apnea occurs when the muscles of our throat relax and block the airway, in short we can say that this manifests itself with an annoying snoring.

You may be thinking that a simple snoring may be harmless and not a symptom of alarm, but if you notice the following signs it is better to go to the specialists that we can offer you in ProDent.

  • Very loud snoring interrupting the sleep of the sufferer and the person with whom he/she sleeps, such severity has been divided according to the frequency, classified as mild episodes of between 5 to 15 episodes, moderate between 15 to 30 and severe between 30 or more

  • If your partner notices that you have short pauses in your breathing during sleep

  • Waking up gasping or with a strong feeling of choking

  • Excessive daytime sleepiness

Main types of obstructive sleep apnea you should know about

  • Obstructive sleep apnea: This is the most common form, which occurs when our throat muscles relax

  • Central sleep apnea: Which occurs when our brain does not send the correct signals to our muscles that control breathing

  • Complex sleep apnea syndrome: Also known as treatment-emergent central sleep apnea, which occurs when someone has both obstructive sleep apnea and central sleep apnea

Remember that if you think you have obstructive sleep apnea, you should consult your doctor promptly; treatment will help relieve your symptoms, and may help prevent heart problems and other complications.

Consequences of sleep apnea

As we have mentioned above, any person can be an anonymous snorer, and not knowing it is not treated properly, this can lead to health consequences, among the most common we find the following:

  • Serious cardiovascular problems due to low oxygen levels in the blood, thus increasing blood pressure and overloading our cardiovascular system

  • Sleep apnea causes bite problems, which are related to the bad habit of breathing with the mouth open when we are asleep

  • Serious problems of bruxism, which is the grinding or clenching of the teeth while sleeping unconsciously, thus wearing down the teeth causing strong and annoying jaw pain upon awakening; you should pay close attention to this disorder because if the action is very strong, it can cause our teeth to chip or break

Obstructive sleep apnea treatment with the help of the best dentists in Tijuana. ProDent does it for you!

After having detected that you suffer from this disorder, when you go to the specialist he will know the reason that is triggering this treatment, depending on the case, he will indicate the best treatment.

It could be a decompressive prosthetic treatment of the temporomandibular joints, in case there is disc displacement.

You can also install myorelaxant plates or Anti bruxism, to help protect the teeth when sleeping and relieve our jaw, being a case of greater complexity may require surgery or other highly specialized appliances.

Make an appointment now at ProDent for an evaluation, tell us your case in detail and our specialists will indicate the treatment indicated according to your case, as well as the steps to follow to achieve your goal.

ConceptsSergio Herrera