What is a Dental Diastema? Know its causes and solutions for this condition

Many of our patients suffer from Dental Diastema, if you still don't know what this condition is, you should keep in mind that it is a dental problem more common than you think, but don't worry, it can be corrected.

Dental diastema is nothing more than that small space or hole that exists between two or more teeth. This feature is more noticeable in the upper central incisors.

However, we must rule out that this hole can be present between any pair of teeth or molars, another of its characteristics to be taken into account.

This well-known dental problem usually appears with baby teeth, but this should not worry us at all.

In fact, when children have dental diastema, it is usually a positive sign that their permanent teeth will have enough space to be positioned correctly.

This is because the permanent dentition is larger, and therefore occupies much more space than those baby teeth.

Although the causes of this aesthetic condition are numerous, from ProDent Dental Clinic we offer you some of the most common, and everything you should know about it.

Most common causes of the appearance of a dental diastema

There are many reasons why a person may present a dental diastema, here we list all of them:

  • Missing teeth: When a patient has lost a tooth, the teeth next to the missing tooth start to move

  • Very small teeth: The condition of having small teeth is due to genetic reasons, it happens when a family member suffers from microdontia (smaller teeth than usual), you may also suffer from it

  • A disproportionate jaw: This is another characteristic that usually causes the appearance of a dental diastema

  • Malposition of the teeth: If any tooth is not in the correct position or is rotated, it is very possible that gaps may appear between the teeth

  • Some thick labial frenulum: This is one of the other most common causes that cause this dental problem called dental diastema to appear

Treatments that will help you correct a dental diastema ProDent makes it possible!

It is important to note that not all patients who have a gap between teeth are treated equally.

In each of the situations, your dentist must study the patient individually to determine what type of treatment is best suited for each specific step.

Next, we will show you what types of treatments exist to help correct a dental diastema, among them:


In many occasions orthodontic treatment is the most indicated to correct dental diastemas, since it causes the teeth to move gradually.

In addition to this, there are different types of orthodontics that adapt very well to the case of each patient, from fixed orthodontics such as braces, to the latest dental technology such as Invisalign.

Dental veneers

Dental rods are an effective treatment that solves the problem of dental diastema, especially in the front teeth without the need to resort to orthodontics.

It should be noted that these veneers are custom-made, are installed on the teeth and completely hide those spaces, which are very unaesthetic for patients.

Dental implants 

In case there is any loss of teeth, implants stand out as a good solution highly recommended to solve such problems.

The patient's mouth will be completely restored and will be able to recover all its functionality as well as its dental esthetics, goodbye to dental diastema with ProDent.


This occurs when there is separation between the teeth, due to a too thick labial frenulum, in this case it is necessary to resort to frenectomy; this is a simple surgical intervention, it is performed under local anesthesia and in the same clinic.

Keep in mind that another reason why a problem of dental diastema can appear is by interposing or pushing the tongue against the teeth.

Dental diastema in adults and dental fashions This is what you should know!

Although spaces between the teeth are much more characteristic in children, adults can also present and suffer from this condition.

ProDent's general recommendation is to correct this hole between the teeth at all costs, so we can avoid any problems, such as plaque accumulation that can lead to the uncontrolled appearance of cavities.

On the other hand, one of the most current dental fads that have been seen, especially in famous television characters, is the creation of a dental diastema on purpose.

ProDent strongly advises against deliberately provoking diastemas in our saccade mouth, since it causes serious problems such as:

  • Appearance of cavities

  • Bite problems, etc...

At ProDent Dental Clinic we advise you not to follow any of these dental fads, which can seriously jeopardize both your oral health and your general health.

In addition to this, we remind you of the need to carry out regular check-ups, in order to avoid serious problems in our oral cavity.

ConceptsSergio Herrera