Blancorexia: The well-known obsession with white teeth Learn about its consequences and how to treat it!

Nowadays it is increasingly evident the concern for having functional, aligned, benches and very bright teeth, such characteristics can produce Blancorexia if you do not know how to deal with such a situation.

When the desire to have much whiter teeth endangers our own oral health, this becomes an obsession for white teeth.

Blancorexia is an obsession to get white and shiny teeth, and to achieve such a result people submit their teeth to aggressive treatments.

Those who suffer from this disease have an erroneous perception of the way their teeth look, undergo treatments and are not satisfied with the results.

One of the signs that indicate that a person has this serious problem is the repeated use of teeth whitening treatments, or the application of splints and products without any dental control.

ProDent recommends never to put our teeth at risk, due to this new and dangerous trend that consists in getting whiter teeth, without the help of experts and without measuring the consequences.

In this article we will talk in depth about Blancorexia and the risks that this new phenomenon unleashes.

What are the causes of Blancorexia?

The psychological reasons why a person wants to achieve whiter teeth at all costs must be determined by specialists.

However, there are other easy causes that we can identify, and that are contributing to the spread of this phenomenon, we will tell you what they are:

  • The constant advertising bombardment with "miracle" products, which claim to whiten teeth and are consumed without expert supervision

  • The desire to look like celebrities who often have extremely white teeth

  • The lack of information about applying teeth whitening products without professional supervision

Although it is difficult for many people to fall into this type of problem, others consume bleaching products on a daily basis that could cause Blancorexia.

What kind of risks does Blancorexia bring with it?

It should be noted that most whitening products contain substances such as hydrogen peroxide or the well-known carbamide peroxide, and these are normally applied by means of splints.

It should be noted that the uncontrolled use of these substances can have an enormous list of undesirable effects on our teeth, even more so if they are applied repeatedly and excessively.

We will tell you some of the effects that Blancorexia brings with it, suffice it to say that all these conditions are really bad:

  • Gingivitis

  • Alteration in taste perception

  • Loss of tooth enamel

  • Pulp necrosis

  • Tooth loss

  • Gum irritation

  • Dental hypersensitivity

In short, it's a long list of oral problems that whitorexics can end up suffering from, a situation that ProDent can help you prevent.

What aspects influence the white color of your teeth?

That absolute white is not natural when we talk about our teeth, that moment in which our teeth enjoy greater whiteness, is when we are in the stage of childhood.

Because our milk teeth have a smaller amount of dentin, which is yellow, and not even when we are children are completely white.

The areas of life also influence the color of the teeth, such as medicines, foods that stain the teeth, consumption of substances such as tobacco, alcohol and coffee, among others...

Escaping from a serious problem such as Blancorexia is a simple task if you pay enough attention, remember that the real color of the teeth is not white.

This would come presenting an ivory shade, and in turn has an unavoidable generic component.

With the help of a teeth whitening treatment you will be able to achieve a much lighter and cleaner shade, in accordance with the complexion color and generic factors that whitorexics usually overlook.

ProDent offers you these tips to avoid Blancorexia

As long as there is no hidden psychological cause for this desire to have white teeth, you can follow some recommendations to avoid being subject to these risk problems.

Follows a realistic perspective 

The extremely white teeth that you notice in actors, influencers or models, generally does not correspond to the ideal state of the teeth, therefore it will not necessarily flatter you.

Respect the time lapses between treatments

The aggressive nature of these bleaching substances often prevents them from being applied repeatedly in short periods of time.

Be wary of those "miracle" products

Some of the solutions available to you to get much whiter teeth may not be safe for your mouth, causing long-term problems.

Forget about homemade solutions

Another way to stay away from possible Blancorexia and its consequences is not to use household products such as baking soda, an abrasive product, which can damage the enamel and gums.

Come to ProDent and get support from an expert in dental esthetics

Teeth whitening treatments can be effective and completely safe, as long as they are supervised by an expert.

Before beginning such treatment, the dentists who will help you at ProDent should make sure that you have no problems with cavities, periodontitis or other conditions that could worsen the whitening.

Remember that at ProDent Dental Clinic we offer teeth whitening treatments with all the guarantees and safety; you can be sure that you will have a bright, white smile without putting the health of your teeth at risk.

Make your appointment now and let the best dentists in Tijuana, and experts in dental aesthetics help you with your teeth whitening treatment.

Our task is to make your teeth look white and shiny, ¡without leaving aside the good oral health!

ConceptsSergio Herrera