Dental Extraction or Exodontia Did you know how this treatment is performed and when it is needed?

A dental extraction or also known as an Exodontia, is what is colloquially known among patients and in dentistry as extracting one or more teeth.

It should be noted that the extraction of one or more teeth, usually will be done when there is no way to save the tooth.

This treatment could also be performed for multiple clinical reasons, as long as it is authorized by an expert dentist in the area.

Below, we explain in detail some of the most common causes and those that are not, for which a dental extraction or exodontia treatment can be carried out.

Common causes of tooth extraction

Caries can destroy the tooth in such a way that it can no longer be saved with any type of treatment, undoubtedly this would be the first cause of tooth loss in children and adults.

Pyorrhea, also known as periodontitis, can advance to such an extent that the bone that supports our tooth is lost in its entirety, leaving the tooth loose.

On the other hand, dental trauma, either by avulsion when a tooth is pulled out from the root, or by some kind of fractures or fissures.

An exodontic treatment is also carried out for an infection or abscess (abscess) whose origin is a tooth, which for no reason can be maintained and restored.

Also in those cases of orthodontic treatments, in which an extraction is necessary in order to perform certain types of tooth movements.

When there are supernumerary teeth, what does this mean? There are extra teeth that can grow in positions that affect the health of your mouth.

It should be noted that a tooth extraction is needed when the baby teeth do not fall out when they should, to prevent them from altering the position of the incoming tooth.

On the other hand, wisdom teeth may need an exodontia, due to existing problems such as pericoronaritis, resorption, among others.

Also as part of orthodontic treatment, impacted teeth, or those teeth that have failed to erupt in your mouth normally, depending on the case must also be subjected to a tooth extraction.

Types of dental extractions This is what you should keep in mind!

We must take into account the shape, size, position of the tooth or where it is located in the patient's oral cavity, all of these are characteristics that will determine the type of dental extraction that will be needed.

Below are the different types of dental extractions that your dentist can perform, remember to choose the best dentists in Tijuana that ProDent can offer you.

Simple Extraction

This type of dental treatment is used to avoid having to undergo a surgical procedure, or to cut the tooth for later extraction; it is usually performed with the help of instruments such as punches and forceps.

Surgical Extraction 

In this case, we would be talking about a slightly more complex intervention, which may include the elevation of a flap or treatment to lift the gum.

Also the removal of the bone surrounding the tooth, dividing the tooth into many pieces, etc.

Frequently asked questions about a tooth extraction procedure at ProDent 

Before a dental extraction or exodontia treatment, as in practically all other processes, there are many questions that may cause you intrigue or nerves.

But don't worry, we have gathered some of the most frequent doubts of our patients, and we offer them to you to make sure that the process is as easy as possible for you.

Does tooth extraction hurt with the help of the dentists at ProDent? 

Dental extraction in most cases should not cause any pain, if it does, it is probably because the anesthesia has not been administered correctly.

If this is not the case, the tooth to be treated could have some kind of infection, which causes the anesthesia not to act as it should in the area to be treated.

How many teeth can be extracted in one session? 

If the medical conditions of each patient make it possible, it is possible that any number of teeth can be extracted during a tooth extraction.

How is the extraction of a broken tooth performed?

Depending on the type of fracture or complexity of the problem, it will generally require that the move be divided into several parts in order to extract it.

Can a tooth extraction be performed without stitches?

Yes, an extraction in any patient who does not have any coagulation problems will not normally require sutures.

Important things to consider before a tooth extraction at ProDent 

Before starting a dental extraction treatment at ProDent, you should inform your dentist of any problems that may influence the smooth running of the process.

Here is a short list of points to keep in mind, and what you should never let your dentist overlook.

  • You must inform about any kind of medication you are taking, since in many cases you will have to suspend the treatment or change it for another one so that the process is not affected

  • If you are taking anticoagulants, this could cause major bleeding during or after surgery

  • If you are a person highly prone to infections, something that happens if your immune system is weakened or if you are diabetic

What should I do after a tooth extraction or Exodontia?

Remember that the first 24 hours are of utmost importance for the best possible recovery, follow the recommendations below.

  • In many occasions inflammation or swelling may occur, ProDent recommends applying cold to the affected area

  • Avoid at all costs any contact with the extraction area for the first three days, do not touch the resulting hole with your tongue 

  • Chew on the wrong side to avoid food leftovers

  • In the first 24 hours do not rinse your mouth, spit, drink through straws or eat very hot foods; these can cause acute bleeding

  • Avoid exertion or intense activity during the first three days

  • As we are talking about a healing process, we recommend not to smoke or drink any kind of alcohol

  • Brush your mouth normally except for the surgical area, remember that your toothbrush could seriously hurt the area

  • It is normal to feel discomfort after the anesthesia passes, you can take analgesics for pain and antibiotics if there is infection

Now that you know much more about the treatment of tooth extraction or also known as exodontia, what are you waiting for to make your appointment at ProDent?

Remember that you will be treated by the best dentists in Tijuana, so don't let dental conditions take over your mouth. Smile to the fullest with the help of ProDent!

ConceptsSergio Herrera