Do you know the most common bite problems? ProDent will tell you what you need to know

Keep in mind that it is possible to have bite problems, and you haven't realized it yet for many reasons, in this article we will tell you how to detect this problem and give you a quick solution, enter now!

Surely it has happened to you that while talking or while eating you have bitten your cheeks, tongue and even your lips, a sensation that besides being very annoying is painful.

If such a situation has happened to you on a frequent basis, we recommend paying more attention as this may be one of many indications of having bite problems.

First of all, we must point out that bite problems are one of the conditions that most affect young children, adolescents and adults in general.

It is important to detect such a problem and correct it in time, as this is not only an esthetic problem, but in the future it can undoubtedly affect the functionality of the mouth.

The main bite problems that most of our patients suffer have to do with a bad position of the teeth, which do not fit in the ideal position.

Jaw problems that require major surgeries, the most common of them is the crossbite that makes our teeth do not fit in the place they should, which hinders the chewing process.

Depending on how this problem appears, we can speak of an anterior crossbite, posterior crossbite, unilateral crossbite if it only affects one side of the mouth or bilateral crossbite if it affects both sides of the mouth.

Importance of a good bite Say NO to bite problems with ProDent!

Generally we can say that a good bite is when our teeth fit together perfectly, but when the closure is not as it should be due to an abnormal alignment of the teeth, it is known as dental malocclusion.

As we mentioned before, this is not only an unsightly problem, since not correcting this problem can lead to the following consequences:

  • Wear or cracks in our teeth

  • Acute headache

  • Pain in our ears and jaws

  • Problems speaking, chewing and eating in general

Types of bite problems you should know about

Depending on the alignment of your teeth we can name the multiple types of bite problems that exist, here are some of them.

Deep bite 

This problem arises when our mouth and lower teeth protrude excessively in relation to the upper teeth. This case, in addition to being treated as a bite problem, can be described as a problem with the lower jaw.


This is when the teeth do not fit together as they should, and the upper teeth are behind the lower teeth. This problem can occur on one side of your mouth, on both sides, or even on different teeth.

Open bite  

This type of bite problem occurs when there are spaces between the upper and lower teeth when closing our mouth.

Although it visibly affects the aesthetics of our patients, the main reason to correct this problem is that it affects basic functions such as:

  • Chew

  • Breathing and even talking

What are the most common causes of bite problems?

Bite problems such as crossbite can have their origin in different situations, although almost all of them originate in the growth stage of our teeth.

Children with the bad habit of sucking their fingers or toes when going to sleep, a bad placement of the tongue, the prolonged use of bottles and pacifiers are just some of the most common external causes.

We can also find problems of dental malposition, when the teeth do not erupt where they should or when the bone support has not developed as it is supposed to.

What kind of treatment can solve bite problems?

The most effective treatment for bite problems, especially in those patients who suffer from them at an early age, is undoubtedly orthodontics.

Although it is a long-term treatment, it is able to relocate our teeth in their correct position, thus improving our smile and leaving aside the structural problems of the jaw.

How to solve bite problems with the help of the best dentists in Tijuana, ProDent?

Although more causes of the different types of bite can be due to various factors, such as bad habits from a very early age, regardless of the origin of the problem.

With the help of an early detection you will be able to solve such problem, it is all about correcting such situation in time and in the best possible way.

Depending on the severity of the type of bite, your dentist will advise you and recommend the best treatment. Mild cases of bite problems can be treated with the help of conventional orthodontics.

Also with an aesthetic self-ligation or Invisalign aligners treatment, so you can align your crooked teeth or correct spaces between teeth.

But when all the problems are much more severe, there are some cases where some bone irregularities or jaw alignment need to be corrected.

It should be noted that it will be necessary to perform orthodontics combined with orthognathic surgery.

Does Invisalign orthodontics solve bite problems?

Invisalign orthodontics is one of the most modern and widely used treatments available at our dentists in Tijuana, which you can find in our dental clinic ProDent.

This kind of aligners are able to effectively correct bite problems and improve our smile, always preserving the original esthetics of our teeth.

However, recent studies have shown that depending on the type of problem, Invisalign orthodontics is much more effective, thus reducing treatment time.

Now that you know a little more about bite problems, what are you waiting for to make your appointment with the best dentists in Tijuana at ProDent?

Contact us right now and don't let this kind of problems pass you by, have a much more beautiful smile with the help of ProDent.

ConceptsSergio Herrera