Treatments for tooth enamel loss Learn more about each of them!

Our teeth are made up of multiple layers, the most superficial of which is the enamel, which functions as a kind of protective shield for the internal structure of all our dental pieces.

This can sometimes suffer from considerable wear or be in lesser proportion, this generates multiple consequences in the dental health of our mouth.

But don't worry, there are multiple treatments that will help you control the loss of dental enamel, and in ProDent Dental Clinic we will tell you what they are and how we can help you in this process.

Why does enamel loss occur in our teeth?

Despite the hardness of the enamel of our teeth, it can be worn or altered for different reasons. Below, we will tell you about the most common ones.

Constant presence of acids in the mouth

It is common for different types of acids to form in our mouth due to the contact of some foods with saliva and the bacteria that live in the oral cavity.

There are foods such as coffee, lemon juice and others that are naturally very acidic, and if you consume them constantly have a corrosive effect on tooth enamel.

The ingestion of sugary foods is harmful to the enamel. This is because bacteria proliferate in the presence of sugar and transform sugar into acid.

On the other hand, suffering from reflux, gastrointestinal problems or having eating disorders such as bulimia, increases the presence of stomach acids in our mouth. Deteriorating the state of the dental enamel.

Dental hypoplasia

Dental hypoplasia is a defect or alteration that occurs in our teeth in their development stage, which consists of having less enamel than usual.

It occurs at different levels, so it can be almost imperceptible, generate white or brown spots and even give a very damaged appearance to the teeth.

Constant friction

Subjecting our teeth to constant friction, such as that of the hard cells of the toothbrush or the friction between teeth due to bruxism, causes rapid wear of the teeth..


It is important to note that one of the effects of aging on teeth is the wear of dental enamel.

The age of our patients at ProDent is a favor that reduces the amount of tooth enamel. This is one of the main reasons why older people have more health problems than younger people.

Treatments for tooth enamel loss ProDent can help you!

Lost tooth enamel cannot be recovered, but there are several types of treatment that will help you to improve the appearance of your teeth and thus reduce the symptoms caused by the lack of tooth enamel.

Dental veneers

Dental veneers are very thin sheets of resin, ceramic or similar materials that are placed on the surface of our teeth, mainly the front teeth.

There are multiple types of dental veneers as a treatment for enamel loss, depending on the level of wear that has the enamel, our specialists at ProDent will tell you which is best for your case.

Generally used when the enamel wear is mild are those of resin or composite, in addition to being an economical option and offers a very natural finish.

Dental crowns

To help treat severe cases of missing tooth enamel, ProDent's expert dentists use crowns. Unlike implants, they do not replace a damaged tooth.

Rather, they cover them to protect them, restore their functionality and preserve the aesthetics of our mouth.

Placement of dental implants

In very severe cases of tooth enamel wear or absence of enamel due to hypoplasia, dentists resort to the placement of dental implants.

However, we must bear in mind that they should only be used when there is no way to save the teeth due to their poor condition.

Dental sealing

Dental sealing is a procedure that consists of installing a thin layer of resin on the surface or chewing area of the teeth.

This should be introduced in the grooves and crevices reinforcing them, it can also be applied in areas where the lack of dental enamel is more noticeable.

Dental microabrasion

This is an excellent technique to treat stains caused by tooth enamel wear, which in many cases are very severe.

This type of treatment consists of polishing the damaged tooth enamel layer, then composite or resin must be applied on the surface and polished. In this way the stain can be removed and the tooth is strengthened.

It is important to keep in mind that the treatment will depend on the severity of the wear or lack of tooth enamel, so it is very important that you go to a specialist and he/she will recommend the best options for you.

Tips to prevent tooth enamel loss

Although at ProDent we can offer treatments for tooth enamel loss, it is best to avoid premature deterioration of this protective layer.

To achieve this, here are some tips that you should start applying:

Reduce excessive consumption of acidic foods

Reducing the consumption of acidic fruit juices, carbonated or alcoholic beverages, coffee and similar foods will help you preserve the enamel of your teeth longer.

On the other hand and as a curiosity, when you drink this type of beverages you can do it through straws.

Stay hydrated as long as possible

To avoid the accumulation of bacteria in your mouth, as well as the production of acids, make sure to keep your mouth moist at all times. Drink a sufficient amount of water daily.

We recommend rinsing your mouth with water or drinking it after every meal.

Use appropriate dental hygiene products 

You should select a toothpaste and mouthwash containing fluoride, which will help remineralize the enamel of your teeth.

In addition to this, we strongly recommend making sure that your toothbrush does not have bristles that are too hard or too thick.

These should be soft and thin to avoid at all costs that wear or scratch the tooth enamel, tooth enamel treatments are very effective as long as they are adapted to the level of wear of each patient.

Our specialists that you can find in ProDent, perform a thorough evaluation to provide a personalized diagnosis and offer appropriate solutions to each patient.

Making an appointment is a very simple task, just contact us through the numbers on our website!

ConceptsSergio Herrera