How is a smile design made? ProDent combines science and art to create much healthier smiles

A smile design is the procedure by which our teeth are modified to achieve a much more harmonious appearance. By applying this technique, the alignment of the teeth is corrected, their size, color and shape are changed according to the patient's needs.

Thanks to this type of treatment, not only the esthetic aspect is intervened, but also the functional aspect. This is achieved through the combination of several dental treatments.

Smile Dsign

This means that to achieve the best possible result, each patient may require the intervention of several specialists.

That is to say, maybe you need orthodontic treatment in Tijuana, denture placement and whitening, or you just need veneers.

From ProDent we emphasize that each smile design is totally different, since the needs of each patient are unique. What is certain is that you can achieve a perfect smile, in harmony with the other features of your face and mouth.

It is worth mentioning that the smile design technique is possible thanks to the use of special software, which allows our best dentists in Tijuana to plan the perfect smile.

What is smile design software? Here's what you should know 

It is a computer program used to plan dental treatments, it allows us to preview the results taking into account the size, position, shape and color of the teeth of each patient.

With the help of this software, the dentist evaluates the options available to him to achieve the ideal smile for his patients. To do so, a series of photographs of the patient must be added to the program.

The program will then evaluate the shape and color of the face, the lips, the position of the teeth and gums, the size of the mouth, among many other factors.

This way you are presented with the options to improve the smile of each patient, there is no doubt that this software is an important point in a smile design.

Types of smile design 

Each smile design requires a series of treatments, which can be non-invasive or complex, depending on the type of treatment to be applied.

  • Non-invasive smile design: Involve treatments that do not last long, these include whitening, cleanings, individual crowns, veneers, among others

  • Complex smile design: In this case, treatments that take much longer, such as rehabilitation or orthodontics, should be applied

Anyone can have a smile design done, for them the best dentists in Tijuana that we can offer you at ProDent, will perform the necessary tests to determine which treatments should be applied.

How is a smile design done? Step by step

Patients who come to Clínica Dental ProDent for this treatment are looking for a perfect smile that looks as natural as possible.

Smile Dsign

For this reason, a thorough study of each patient's mouth and face is made in order to choose the appropriate procedures.

The design of a smile in Tijuana can be summarized in three main steps: evaluation, planning and application of the treatment. Below, we offer you more details about it:

Preliminary evaluation and diagnostic tests

The initial contact with the dentists at ProDent is to assess your expectations about the treatment, in addition to evaluating the condition of your mouth, you should expect x-rays and a thorough study of your teeth and gums.

All this procedure is done to know the condition of your mouth and to rule out problems such as cavities, tooth erosion, infections or any other type of problems.

If there is any type of problem, we must proceed to correct it before starting a smile design treatment.

Treatment planning 

The second step is the digital planning of the treatment, at this point is when the special software for smile design must be used. At this point, photographs of the face and smile are taken, which the program is responsible for analyzing.

This program shows the alternatives to the dentist and the dentist can edit the design, in order to achieve a better result.

It is also possible that a model of the denture to which the changes will be made is made, so the patient will have the possibility to see how his smile will look and decide whether to go ahead or make any changes.

Performing the treatment It's time to do it!

If after seeing the model the patient is satisfied with the result to be achieved, the respective treatment is applied.

During this process it is possible that the participation of more than one specialist may be required, although it is not necessary in all cases.

The duration of the treatment will depend on the modifications, if you need to apply orthodontics or dental implants, it will take a few months. On the other hand, if it is a simple intervention with whitening and veneers, it will take only a few weeks.

Advantages of a smile design in Tijuana

After the treatment you will be able to appreciate much healthier teeth and in accordance with the features of your face, in turn this will help in the self-esteem and confidence that you show to others.   

We can summarize the benefits of undergoing a smile design treatment as follows:

  • You will be able to show off whiter teeth, free of stains that may have appeared on the enamel of your teeth 

  • Improves the proportion between teeth and facial features 

  • The position of the teeth and the bite are corrected, thus improving chewing and digestive functions 

  • The previous point also allows you to have better dental hygiene after treatment

  • Your face will look much younger, especially in those patients who have lost a tooth as this causes the appearance of wrinkles. By replacing the tooth, this problem is reduced

To achieve the expected results it is of utmost importance to go to an experienced dentist who knows how a smile design is done and is familiar with the techniques.

Contact us if you want to know more about this and other types of treatments!

Smile Dsign
ConceptsSergio Herrera