What does a gingivectomy consist of? ProDent Dental Clinic not only helps you to find a beautiful smile, it helps you to create it

Gingivectomy is nothing more than a surgical procedure that is part of the many periodontal treatments, this is responsible for removing a portion of the gingival tissue, specifically the one that surrounds one or more teeth.

This procedure is mainly performed for medical reasons, such is the case of gum disease such as gingivitis, although it also helps to improve the esthetics of the area.

Through this treatment, the best dentists in Tijuana eliminate one or several periodontal pockets. These are formed as a result of the accumulation of bacterial plaque.

It should be noted that if this condition is not treated in time, it will undoubtedly cause damage to the bone supporting our teeth.

The specialists who perform this type of periodontal surgery are periodontists. They are specialized in the detection and treatment of gingival diseases and gum care.

On the other hand, sometimes this procedure is accompanied with gingivoplasty techniques. This in order to improve the final result and thus be able to give a better appearance to your smile.

What does gingivectomy consist of?  

For this type of operation, local anesthesia is used. Once the anesthesia takes effect, a probing is performed to identify the periodontal pockets. Subsequently, each pocket must be evaluated to know its depth and to indicate up to where the incision should be made.

With the help of a scalpel, the first incision is made, taking care that the supporting bone of the tooth is not exposed. Then a second incision is made, which is the one that allows us to remove the diseased tissue, this is done until the area is clean and the tooth is more visible.

Now the gingival tissue must be softened with the help of a rotary instrument. To facilitate the recovery process, a periodontal or surgical cement is placed, which helps with the healing of the area and is reabsorbed within two weeks.

The treated gum recovers completely in approximately two months, but we must keep in mind that this depends on each patient and the care that each one has.

When should I have a gingivectomy?

This procedure is stipulated for all those who suffer from gum disease and also have periodontal pockets deeper than 3 millimeters.

It is of utmost importance that you also have enough keratinized or free gum, this is the gum that is on top of our teeth.

Other conditions that we can help you recover in ProDent Dental Clinic through a gingivectomy, are hyperplasia and fibrosis of the gums. As well as to treat periodontal pockets that are difficult to access and to facilitate access to the area when a restorative treatment is to be performed.

Possible complications of a gingivectomy Make it safe with ProDent!

Although gingivectomy stands out as a fairly simple surgery, it is important to note that some complications may arise.

Most of these complications arise when the gingival tissue is insufficient, there is damage to the supporting bone or if the periodontal pockets have reached the mucosa.

Also if the patient has coagulation problems, antibiotic prophylaxis or similar conditions.

Among the complications during a gingivectomy that can occur are:

  • Bleeding and infections

  • Tooth sensitivity due to bone exposure, this occurs very infrequently

  • Tearing of healthy tissue or nerves adjacent to the gums. This results in small wounds that cause discomfort

  • Discomfort and pain in the gums when eating in the first days after the operation, bleeding may also occur

Before and after gingivectomy: Advantages

In addition to taking into account the possible complications of this procedure, it is also impressive that you are aware of its advantages:

  • It helps you to improve the health of your gums and your mouth in general

  • It stands out for being a simple surgical procedure with a fast healing process

  • The results are predictable

  • It is a painless procedure, since anesthesia is used in the area to be treated

  • Only one session is needed and it is usually quite fast

  • Although the effects are not as immediate as many would like, they are quite long lasting. We can even say that they are permanent if good dental hygiene is maintained

Post operatorio 

Full recovery of the treated area occurs between 6 and 8 weeks after the operation, but in order to achieve proper healing and good results, ProDent recommends that you follow a series of indications.

  • Maintain good dental hygiene: You should use a soft-bristled toothbrush, dental floss and mouthwash. Mouthwash should not be too aggressive, and should help prevent infection and help the wound heal. Ask your dentist for the best one!

  • Use cold compresses: During the first days after the operation you can put cold compresses on the treated area to reduce swelling

  • Be careful with food at extreme temperatures: Ideally, the first few days you should eat foods at room temperature or slightly cold, try to keep them soft or even liquid to avoid bleeding gums

Now that you know what a gingivectomy is all about, you can not only improve the health of your gums but the overall appearance of your smile.
Don't hesitate to make an appointment at Clínica Dental ProDent, our expert dentists are ready to attend your case and offer you the best of services, contact us!

ConceptsSergio Herrera