How to clean invisible orthodontic aligners "Invisalign"

Invisalign aligners, also known as invisible orthodontic aligners, are a removable dental splint, which, as its name suggests, is completely transparent.

It should be noted that such orthodontics is an exact replica of the patient's teeth, in which we can see imperfections such as separations, overlapping teeth, etc.

Invisible orthodontics is designed with the idea of rectifying the imperfections of the dentition, straightening those teeth with a tendency to move that cause a bad position.

With the constant use of aligners our teeth will straighten until they occupy their corresponding place according to the needs of your orthodontist.

In the same way that after using traditional orthodontics, after using invisible orthodontics it will be necessary to use retainers.

This work should never be confused, because while the work of Invisalign orthodontics is to move our teeth, the retainer maintains the work already achieved by orthodontics.

The best dentists in Tijuana at ProDent recommend Invisalign aligners as an excellent alternative for patients with mild to moderate crowding and minor spacing problems.

Why is this? When opting for any orthodontic treatment, an invisible orthodontic treatment offers great aesthetic benefits, such as: 

  • Highly functional

  • Transparent

  • Can be put on and removed in a matter of seconds

Are you looking for a place to start your invisible orthodontic treatment (Invisalign) in Tijuana? Contact us right now and ask for your evaluation.

This is how to clean your Invisalign invisible orthodontic aligners

Invisalign is one of the most hygienic orthodontic techniques, since it offers patients the peculiarity of being removable at any time. This means that it can be removed at mealtime for cleaning.

Despite this, using this type of orthodontics comes with some conditions, the aligners must be worn an average of 22 hours a day, and you will have to wash them every time you remove them from your mouth.

In order to have an excellent hygiene and a perfect maintenance of our invisible orthodontics, it will be necessary that you follow the recommendations of our dentists at ProDent:

  • Before proceeding to remove your invisible braces, it is necessary to wash your hands with plenty of soap and water, as your hands will be in direct contact with the splints

  • It is necessary to clean your aligners with the help of your toothbrush, this should be different from the one you usually use to clean your teeth. This should be hard bristles, with the help of warm water and neutral soap 

  • Immerse the Invisalign braces in the water where you have diluted the special disinfectant tablets, this should be done once or twice a week to avoid the accumulation of bacteria in our mouth

  • ProDent reminds you not to immerse your Invisalign aligners in mouthwash, or clean them directly with toothpaste, as this action may damage them

  • If you are not going to place your invisible braces after washing them, you should put them in their corresponding case

  • Clean your mouth thoroughly with a toothbrush, dental floss and mouthwash before putting your aligners back in 

  • When removing your Invisalign aligners, you should wash your hands with soap and water to place them back in your mouth  

Why should we clean Invisalign aligners? 

Many patients at ProDent choose Invisalign aligners over other treatments because of their removable, clear and discrete characteristics.

Remember that to keep your invisible orthodontics translucent, it is necessary to keep in mind good habits and be careful when cleaning them, and for this, the fact that the aligners are removable will help us a lot.

Since they are removable, they make cleaning them much more effective, which is why they are one of the most hygienic orthodontic techniques, since they can be removed when eating, cleaning your teeth and cleaning them as well.

A clean dental splint will prevent bacteria from accumulating in the splint, which will keep our teeth healthy throughout the treatment.

In addition to this, the better the cleanliness of our invisible braces, the greater the possibility that they will be opaque and thus more likely to go unnoticed.

Habits that will help you take care of your Invisalign braces

Below, the best dentists in Tijuana at ProDent, will give you some habits to take care of your invisible braces, follow our steps:

  • Brush your teeth very carefully and use dental floss to avoid food debris before placing your invisible braces

  • If you plan to remove your Invisalign aligners, we recommend that you store them in their case to prevent them from becoming deformed or misplaced

  • You should do a deep cleaning once or twice a week, for this job you should use special disinfectant products for dental prosthesis, ask your dentist for such disinfectant products

  • You should not smoke with your invisible braces on. Tobacco, besides being harmful to your body, can stain your teeth, and if you smoke with your aligners on, they can stain your teeth

  • Avoid chewing gum or candy at all costs, since chewing gum will most likely stick to the aligner. Remember that chewing gum favors the emergence of bacterial plaque

  • You can drink water while wearing your invisible braces, but there are exceptions. If you drink beverages such as wine, coffee, tea or any other type of beverage, you should remove them. These drinks can stain your Invisalign braces, or the heat from them can deform your aligners

Knowing exactly how to clean invisible orthodontic aligners is key, even more so if you opt for this treatment, ask for your assessment right now and make your appointment with the best dentists in Tijuana at ProDent.

TipsSergio Herrera