What is dental root canal in Tijuana and why should you perform this procedure with ProDent?

dental root canal in Tijuana

A dental root canal in Tijuana, or as it is commonly known "Killing the nerve" consists of nothing more and nothing less than eliminating that deep part of our tooth, only and exclusively when it is injured or infected.

The objective of performing a dental root canal in Tijuana is to clean the inside of the affected tooth and then fill it with a kind of inert material, which is chosen by the dentist.

Since this dental root canal treatment is performed under local anesthesia, it is not at all painful for the patient undergoing the procedure.

However, it should be noted that after the anesthesia wears off, it is common for the patient to feel discomfort when chewing any food for the next few days.

When we talk about the term root canal is also used as a synonym of endodontology, which is a branch of stomatology that aims to treat diseases of the dental pulp.

Root canal treatment is required when there is widespread caries or dental fracture, which has caused inflammation or worse, death of the dental pulp.

The objective of a dental root canal in Tijuana is to keep the tooth healthy at all costs, in order to be able to chew as it should; thus avoiding the terrible task of extracting the tooth.

It should be noted that if this treatment is not performed in time it could mean the total loss of the tooth in question, but not only this, but also the following pathologies: 

  • Spread of infection to the blood

  • Facial cellulitis or Ludwig's angina

  • And in the worst case, ostemelitis, among many other pathologies...

Alternatives to a dental endodontics that we can and will offer you at ProDent

In some cases a tooth that has already been root canal or devitalized can develop some kind of problems, in most cases it could be bacterial contamination.

Addition to this situation, it can also happen when a dental root canal in Tijuana fails to completely eliminate and disinfect the peridental area, forming what is known as a little periapical.

To provide a solution to this situation it will be necessary to perform a surgical procedure, a treatment that is minimally invasive and is called an apicoectomy. 

It would be best to know the alternatives to a dental endodontics, and for this we recommend you to contact our clinic ProDent, to get a much more personalized recommendation to your requirements.

First of the alternatives to dental endodontics: Reendodontics

If the patient's tooth is in good condition and there is no line of fissure or fracture, it is obvious that it will be worth preserving; in this case our dentist at ProDent will proceed to perform a root canal treatment.

When we talk about these alternatives to a dental root canal, it consists of emptying the root canal again, but eliminating all the filling, disinfecting and sealing it again. 

The percentage of success that has a reendodontics are lower than the first endodontics, in the case that it is not so the extraction of the tooth would be the only alternative.

Second of the alternatives to a dental root canal: Apicoectomy.

As part of the alternatives to a dental root canal, we can resort to an apicoectomy and this is carried out when the endodontics fails to eliminate and disinfect the peridental area in its entirety, forming a periapical focus.

To solve this serious problem it will be necessary to perform a surgical procedure, which is minimally invasive and is called apicoectomy.

The main objective is to remove all infected tissue, altering as little as possible the gum and the bone surrounding the lesion.

As part of the alternatives to a dental root canal, the root end is cut to prevent recontamination and the root canal is plugged from above (retro obturation) to complement the sealing that was done with endodontics.

Finally the gum is sutured without any trace of a surgical intervention, on the other hand, in some situations it may be necessary to perform a bone regeneration in order to compensate for the amount of bone lost due to the infection.

Third of the alternatives to a dental endodontic treatment: Extraction

Last but not least, we must highlight another of the alternatives to dental endodontics, is the extraction and it turns out to be an irreversible fact in many cases before removing the tooth.

If the tooth is in good condition and it is worth keeping, at ProDent we opt for the first option and the patient will undergo a root canal.

However, if this situation is not possible, there will be no other option but to extract the tooth and think about rehabilitating the entire space with the help of an implant.

Symptoms of a dental root canal

A dental root canal in Tijuana is the dental procedure that is generally also called root canal treatment, it is used to avoid at all costs a tooth extraction after a trauma, infection or a simple cavity.

Maybe now you are asking yourself the following question, how do I know if my mouth needs a root canal treatment?

Dental sensitivity 

Tooth sensitivity may be due to the enamel of your dentin is worn, but it may also be due to a fracture or decay and in these cases if a dental root canal in Tijuana will be necessary.

This treatment is necessary if the tooth sensitivity is extreme, the discomfort will begin to ingest food, hot or cold drinks, if so it would be best to schedule an appointment at ProDent.

Pain on chewing or sudden onset of pain

Chewing should not be a problem if your teeth are in good condition, if you feel a sharp and even extremely strong pain when eating, it is very possible that you need the help of a dental root canal in Tijuana.

root canal

Inflammation of the gums

A root canal is required when you notice that the root of the tooth is affected, as we already know it may be due to trauma or decay, as it is a problem with the pulp.

It is normal that the gums or some other soft parts surrounding the teeth need a root canal when they become inflamed.

Bad taste and odor

If there is an infectious process affecting the root of your tooth and it is not attacked in time, this infection can cause an abscess with pus that will generate a strange taste in your mouth as well as halitosis.

With the help of a dental root canal in Tijuana, which we offer at ProDent we can guarantee a cleaning treatment and ideal treatment to put an end to these symptoms.

It is worth mentioning that these dental abscesses are also generally known as phlegmons, and can be eliminated through good dental hygiene.

What are you waiting for to ask ProDent for the best root canal treatment? And thus avoid the symptoms of a poorly performed root canal.

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