Tips to keep in mind before having a dental implant in Tijuana

In general terms, dental implants in Tijuana are a kind of screw in the bone of our jaw on which the "new" tooth sits.

They are installed when the patient is missing a tooth, whether the patient has suffered from an illness or trauma.

A dental implant can also be used when a natural tooth must be eliminated, commonly due to a great destruction of the tooth due to the fault of caries, which is eliminated by an artificial one.

Important note: Dental implants are not suitable for all mouths, contact us for advice and get the best result

As they are not suitable for all patients, it would be best if you are missing a tooth or suffer from an oral pathology that puts the condition of your teeth at risk.

The best thing to do for this problem would be to leave your case in the hands of our expert dentists at ProDent, who will advise you properly for your situation.

Our specialists will proceed to assess your situation and the state of your gum, since the existence of sufficient bone mass is necessary for the dental implant to be very well fixed.

In the event that a patient does not have sufficient bone mass, it will be necessary to carry out many more steps before installing the pieces, or otherwise evaluate other options.

Do you want to start with dental implants in Tijuana? Here's what you should know 

Perhaps your dentist has already recommended it to you in a visit, or you may have a date to start the whole process; although dental implants are known as a common dental process, you should take these tips into consideration.

Keep in mind that by following these dental implants tips to the letter, you will be able to ensure the best esthetic and healthy result.

Our mouth is considered one of the most delicate areas of our body, it not only has an important aesthetic impact when we interact with other people.

But in turn, health problems linked to our mouth can greatly affect the overall well-being of our entire body.

Let's give you an example to take into consideration, wounds in our gums can cause infections in other parts of our body, if left untreated.

Dental problems can generate a chain reaction that would undoubtedly affect other dental pieces. For this reason, when there is serious damage to the teeth, it is necessary to consider such an important resource as a dental implant.

Now, before proceeding to place an artificial tooth substitute, it is essential that you don't just compare prices, but that you also find out what a dental implants in Tijuana consists of.

Find out if the procedure is the right one for you, since there are other options that may be to your liking and may suit you very well.

Tips to keep in mind before starting your dental implant procedure in Tijuana

It is very common that there are some doubts about following a dental procedure such as a dental implant, but don't worry, just follow these dental implants tips before going to your favorite dentist.

Step 1: 

Choose a clinic that is trustworthy and with good references, this way you can be absolutely sure that the dental implant procedure in Tijuana is the best.

Step 2: 

Get to know personally the specialist who is going to perform your dental intervention, in many occasions it is the intermediaries who explain the treatments, and these explanations are not at all adjusted to reality.

Step 3: 

Establish a close and trusting relationship with the implantologist who will perform your procedure at ProDent.

Step 4: 

The dental center you have chosen should inform you of each and every one of the possible treatments, with or without dental implants.

In addition to the number of implants or the type of definitive prosthesis that the specialist proposes, whether removable or fixed.

Step 5: 

As a patient, you must be informed about the type of dental implant that will be used in your mouth and its commercial brand. Nowadays there are many kinds of commercial brands and different ranges of implants.

Step 6: 

Another of the dental implant tips that you should take into account is the treatment time, from the moment the first phase of surgery begins until the moment of replacing the lost teeth, by means of what would be the defined prosthesis.

It should be noted that grouping treatments together shortens the patient's stay at the chosen clinical center, reducing stress considerably.

Step 7: 

It is also important to determine the type of provisional prosthesis that the patient will wear until he/she can undergo definitive treatment.

Either removable or fixed, supported on teeth or on dental implants.

Step 8: 

Last but not least, another important aspect that the patient must take into account is any kind of mishap that may arise from the installation of dental implants.

dental implants in Tijuana

What tests should be performed to say whether or not to proceed with dental implants in Tijuana?

Generally, the first thing the specialist must do is to perform an imaging test, which provides a good view of the bone to verify that it is possible to implant the new piece.

The gum is also explored in depth to see if it is completely healthy. If it is diseased, treatment will be needed to cure it.

On the other hand, the occlusion of the mouth must also be evaluated, that is, how the patient bites, in order to be absolutely sure that the area of the implant will not receive more pressure than adequate.

These are some of the tips you should keep in mind when going for a dental implant procedure, remember to ask ProDent for the information you need to be much safer.

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