What is a smile design and how is it done? Have a happy smile!

First of all, we must emphasize that a smile design offers you the opportunity to enjoy a perfect dental esthetics, a much healthier mouth and a much more beautiful smile.

The smile of each person is like talking about your fingerprints, this means that each one of them is totally unique and without equal, this can vary depending on the size of the teeth and jaw.

But not only this, but also the shape of the lips and the shape of our face, for all these reasons a perfect orthodontic smile design begins with a study to understand all these characteristics.

After taking into account each one of them, you can have a much clearer idea of what the ideal and perfect smile that the patient is looking for would look like.

So an orthodontic smile design is the dental process in which certain processes are used to achieve the aesthetic results required by the patient's mouth.

At ProDent Dental Clinic we explain in depth what is smile design? And what are the existing types of smile design

All these types will help you to achieve the aesthetic design you require, and to achieve the harmony you are looking to offer to your face.

Key point for an orthodontic smile design: ¡The condition of your teeth!

Before starting with the process of a smile design, it is of utmost importance to carry out a check-up to understand if it is necessary to fix the current state of your teeth.

This means that you should take care of your favorite dentists at ProDent, to check for the presence of cavities, broken teeth, stains or any other condition.

All of them will have to be solved before continuing with a smile design process, thus achieving only the best results.

orthodontic smile design

Types of orthodontic smile design Learn which one is the best!

The first is the non-invasive orthodontic smile design, it is common, fast and generates minimal discomfort to the patient, it is an ideal procedure for smiles that do not require any change.

This is because only modifications are needed regarding the alignment of the teeth, superficial stains and very small variations in size.

When it comes to this specific case to achieve a smile design, the following treatments are performed:

  • Tooth whitening 

  • Recontouring of gums to unify the size of the teeth 

  • Resin design 

  • Micro-polishing of tooth edges 

  • Microabrasion of the enamel to remove surface stains 

Orthodontic smile design

Orthodontics is a procedure that helps the patient to correct the location of the teeth, using the famous brackets to align them, thus improving their aesthetics and functionality.

It should be noted that the duration of this treatment depends on the complexity of each patient, as for its advantages, this treatment does not require altering the size of the teeth, their shape or color.

Once the brackets have been removed, a cleaning and stain removal process is performed, which is complemented with a non-invasive smile design.

Smile design with veneers 

This orthodontic smile design procedure is ideal for all those patients who are looking for fast results, who also have excessive wear, stains and want to avoid going through orthodontics.

In this process, a carving is performed on the teeth, while a whitening is performed on the molars to match and also improve the tone of them.

After the teeth are whitened and ground, very thin porcelain veneers are installed and bonded to the front of the teeth, these are known as veneers.

Complex smile design 

The complex smile design is a combination of the other existing types of smile design, only in this case it must involve a group of specialists.

By means of some complete diagnostics according to their specialty and the patient's needs, they highlight what the patient needs.

This procedure begins with a deep cleaning of the patient's teeth, if required, begins with oral surgery to reshape the bone and teeth.