What is a dental filling and when should we perform this treatment?

Knowing what a dental filling is of utmost importance to keep our teeth healthy and therefore look like a beautiful smile, also keep in mind that it helps us to avoid major problems.

Dental filling is known to be the main treatment for one of the most common oral problems: cavities.

When such treatment is performed on time, the patient could avoid more complex diseases, and also avoid having to resort to more complicated solutions.

In addition to this, dental obturation has other uses and applications that make it one of the most widely used dental treatments today.

First of all we must explain what is a dental filling, this is a technique that dentists use to restore with a specific material, a tooth that has been damaged by decay.

By means of this treatment we can give it back its natural shape and functionality, generally the damage caused by a cavity.

For this reason, it is much more common to call Dental Filling "Dental Filling", and its process is very simple and uncomplicated: 

  • We detect the affected tooth 

  • We proceed to remove all the carious tissue from the tooth

  • Once the area is clean we fill the cavity with the material chosen for the filling

  • Finally, we must order it to give it the original shape of a tooth

We can also resort to this kind of technique to fill very slight fissures, repair a tooth that is chipped, treat teeth that have suffered problems such as:

  • Trauma 

  • Diastemas 

  • Fractures 

  • Worn teeth, among other conditions...

When should we perform a dental filling procedure?

As long as the cavities have not affected the nerve of the tooth, we should go to our dentist and ask about what is a dental filling

It is important to attack this problem when the cavities are in this state, because if not, the situation can worsen and the functionality of the tooth can be endangered.

We will make use of prosthesis to cover cavities that are the consequence of extensive but shallow caries. 

We will also make use of composite resin for those teeth with shallow cavities, but which in turn cover less surface area.

When the damage is even greater and it has already touched the nerve of the tooth and it subsequently dies, the process to follow will be to perform a dental endodontic treatment.

And in the case of a dental filling for those rotten teeth, which have suffered a huge deterioration and lost a lot of tissue, you should resort to a dental cap or crown.

Whatever the case you are going through, ProDent insists that you should not overlook this situation and go quickly to your dentist.

Remember that at ProDent Dental Clinic we can help you treat your dental problems, in addition to offering and recommending the dental esthetic treatment that best suits your smile.

Dental Filling

What is a dental filling and the tips you should follow to keep it in good condition?

To understand in greater depth what is a dental filling, we must know what are the main tips to maintain in good condition, a treatment of this nature.

Undoubtedly the main thing would be to maintain a good oral hygiene, and do not forget to visit your favorite ProDent dentist once or twice a year.

Brush your teeth daily

A good but not aggressive tooth brushing will ensure good oral health; do not forget to brush your tongue and palate as well.

At the end of your brushing routine, remember to rinse your toothbrush with plenty of water and dry it with toilet paper to prevent bacteria from proliferating.

Check the condition of the filling

With the passage of time a dental filling can crack and present small leaks, in these cases, plaque and bacteria will continue to grow and surely cause new cavities.

For this reason you should not miss the opportunity to observe your filling during each brushing, this is undoubtedly the best time.

Regularly attends ProDent for a check-up

The reality is that this procedure should always be done, even in those moments when you think you do not have any kind of oral problem.

You should always keep in mind that it is much better to prevent than to cure any kind of disease or ailment.

Use fluoride toothpastes. 

On the way to understanding what a dental filling is, fluoride helps protect the enamel of our teeth, and therefore, helps make them less prone to decay.

Be sure to use it daily and be sure to decrease the risk of new cavities, so be sure that they will not reappear on the tooth where you have a filling.

What is a dental filling and what kind of filling materials are available?

Currently the most common is to use composite resin, but depending on the case and taking into account some important factors, for example: 

  • Price 

  • Extent of caries 

  • Possible allergies 

  • Aesthetics

  • Location of the tooth, etc...

Whatever the characteristics your dentist at ProDent, should offer you the best treatment that fits your qualities and requirements.

Next, we will show you some of these filling materials so that you can better understand what a dental filling is.

Dental filling with composite or composite resin

This offers a color similar to the natural color of our teeth, which means that they are very aesthetic, discreet and natural.

Its installation does not require the removal of much tooth structure, as would be the case with other materials.

Dental filling with gold 

Its advantages range from its high strength and durability, a gold dental filling can last without any problem between 20 and 30 years.

It should be noted that it does not cause allergies and does not irritate the gums, as you may already know, its cost is high and involves destroying the dental structure.

Dental filling with silver amalgams 

They are durable and resistant as gold ones and the best of all is that they are much cheaper, however their color is not at all aesthetic and much less discreet.

On the other hand, on many occasions they tend to discolor the teeth and cause toxic reactions, this is because they contain mercury; but don't worry, the amount is not harmful to your health.

Porcelain inlays

The porcelain ones are almost imperceptible because this material resembles our teeth in appearance, keep in mind that this material does not stain as it can happen with composite.

What is vitreous ionomer dental filling?

Glass ionomer is not only used to treat cavities, but it also releases fluoride, helping to prevent cavities from recurring.

It is not toxic and it is very easy to handle, however it is not resistant or hard; for this reason it is not currently used much to make obstructions.

What do you think about what is a dental filling is and what is it used for?