What is a dental hygienist and what is his/her job in a dental office?🦷
A dental hygienist is known for being a professional specialized in oral hygiene and oral cleaning, for this job requires specific academic training, which enables the person to perform some acts in the mouth of patients.
Their work is limited to preventive and reversible treatments, however, from ProDent we must remember the importance of not confusing this job, with the dental assistant.
There is no doubt that the work of a dental hygienist is of utmost importance in a dental office, among their tasks we can find that of educating and offering preventive services to patients.
In such a way that they help to teach patients, of all the methods that they have at their complete disposal, in order to enjoy an excellent oral health.
In addition to what we have already mentioned, dental hygienists are also able to recognize the different conditions that patients suffer from, but they cannot apply treatments that affect the teeth permanently.
It should be remembered that the latter are part of the exclusive functions of dentists and stomatologists, a key point to know exactly the tasks of a dental hygienist.
"The work carried out by a dental hygienist is not independent of the dentist and must be under his or her full supervision."
Dental prophylaxis treatments to patients ProDent can and will do it for you!
Among the multiple functions that dental hygienists at ProDent must perform on a daily basis are dental cleanings for patients. In this way, all tartar deposits accumulated on the teeth are removed, and stains are also cleaned during this procedure.
Dental prophylaxis is a treatment that must be applied to our healthy teeth and gums, therefore, its objective is to prevent at all costs the appearance of caries and periodontal diseases.
It should be noted that when tartar adheres to the root of our teeth, the procedure that is performed is a root planing.
This type of treatment can only be carried out by expert dentists and cannot be performed by a dental hygienist.
Sterilization and disinfection tasks
The dental hygienist is in charge of sterilizing each and every one of the instruments used during dental treatments. This professional knows and applies the protocols that must be followed to perform this task.
This function is key, as it contributes to maintaining the general health of patients, and is also responsible for disinfecting the surfaces of the office between one patient and another.
Health education for patients
Hygienists educate patients to take responsibility for their oral health. During a consultation with the hygienist, the hygienist may ask questions about your hygiene retina, as well as your eating habits.
Having gathered all this information, the hygienist will then proceed to offer the necessary advice to improve your habits. In other words, the hygienist will tell you which methods to apply and which products to use.
A dental hygienist is known for being able to adapt his language to the person he is addressing, so you are completely sure that the message gets through as it should.
Dental hygienists will tell you what type of toothbrushes you should use, the best nutritional habits and the hygiene routines you should follow on a daily basis, all of these are part of the instructions that dental hygienists offer to patients at ClÃnica Dental ProDent.
Dental hygienists act as assistants and also collaborators of dentists
When a person comes to a general dental consultation at ProDent, the dental hygienist accompanies the dentist and assists him in the application of the treatments, which are within his functions.
The hygienist performs dental cleanings
Applied topical fluoride
May seal pits and fissures with the aid of preventive materials and non-invasive techniques
Polishes excess material that may be left over from fillings
Place and remove retractor wires as well as rubber dams
What should a dental hygienist not do?
Hygienists should not administer anesthesia, administer medications, much less prescribe dentures. Hygienists can perform dental cleanings, but cannot perform scaling and root planing.
Another treatment that is the job of the dentist and not the dental hygienist, is teeth whitening, on the other hand, orthodontic treatments such as taking impressions of the mouth, placement, adjustment or removal of brackets or dentures, should be done by the dentist.
There is no doubt that the work of dental hygienists is of utmost importance for dentists, in addition to the fact that they are in charge of educating patients about dental hygiene and improving their habits.
Remember, if you need a dental cleaning, make your appointment at ProDent now! Meet our dental hygienists and request an evaluation from our dentists in Tijuana.