Do you know what dental abrasion is? Know its causes and treatments🦷

Are you one of those people who usually open bottles with your teeth, or remove food debris with wooden chopsticks? You may be unintentionally damaging the enamel of your teeth little by little, in addition to starting the well-known dental abrasion.

Dental abrasion is known to be the wear of the enamel, this is usually caused by the action of different types of objects on our teeth.

There have been cases in which the same toothbrushes, when they have hard cells or too much force is exerted during the brushing process.
The wear itself begins in the enamel itself, but if it is not stopped in time it affects the internal parts of our teeth or the cervical area.

Teeth in which there is dental abrasion can have different aspects, for example, at ProDent we have seen cases in which a kind of V shape can form on the front face.

On the other hand, it is also common that the incisal edge can be affected, in which roughness appears; there is no doubt that all our teeth can suffer from dental abrasion, although it is more frequent that it appears in the premolars and canines.

It is worth mentioning that dental abrasion is only one of the various types of wear on teeth, it also occurs due to erosion or attrition:

  • Erosion: This well-known wear causes the action of elements on the teeth, for example, this arises from frequent consumption of acidic fruit juice or in people suffering from gastric reflux

  • Attrition: In this case, our enamel is fading as the teeth rub against each other. This is what happens with bruxism, the force we apply damages our teeth little by little

Most common symptoms of dental abrasion 

There are several signs that tell us when we are suffering from tooth abrasion from brushing, or some of the many causes.

When the enamel of our teeth is worn away, the tooth completely loses its protective layer, passes through the dentin and is able to affect the cementum which is what keeps the tooth fixed to the bone.

Therefore, if such a condition is not treated in time, there is no doubt that in the short term we could translate this problem into total loss of the tooth.

Gum recession is one of the most common symptoms of dental abrasion, which occurs when brushing is very aggressive.

In this sense, it also causes sensitivity when eating or drinking any kind of beverages, other signs are those fissures that form in the enamel.

We must also be very careful with the abnormal discoloration of our teeth, as this stands out as another of the most common symptoms of dental abrasion.

Causes that give rise to the well-known dental abrasion

This type of condition occurs when the force we apply when brushing is excessive, not only affects the enamel of our teeth, but also irritates the gums during the rubbing of the gingival margin.

Ultimately, this is what causes our gums to recede, and there are also toothpastes that are abrasive. Those that are whitening can cause this type of effect.

We must be very careful with those whitening kits that are available in the market, because if we combine them with the toothpastes mentioned above, they cause dental abrasion.

Although brushing is usually the main cause; we must emphasize that it is not the only one, there are many other actions that our patients are unaware of on a daily basis and cause the wear of our teeth.

Cleaning our teeth with chopsticks or holding objects with our teeth are other main causes that initiate abrasion.

From ProDent we recommend not to open objects such as bottles with our mouth, remember that they are prone to suffer from this type of problems.

Similarly, the interaction of other types of objects with the teeth can cause abrasion, this occurs for example with the widely used piercings in the mouth, or poorly fitted retainers.

Treatments that can be initiated by ProDent to heal abrasion

If you suffer from this type of problem it is of utmost importance to apply the corresponding treatment, in this way you will be able to avoid at all costs that the problem progresses and consequently the damage is even greater.

Once the best dentists in Tijuana that we can offer you at ProDent, have identified the cause and begin to apply the correct treatment, they seek to reduce the symptoms such as tooth sensitivity.

There are cases in which aesthetic treatments should be applied to help improve the appearance of your teeth, dental resins will be of great help to rebuild the enamel, in the case that the damage is on the occlusal surface of the tooth.

In this type of cases at ProDent we also make use of dental crowns, we also use esthetic veneers when there is visible damage to the incisal edge.

If the dental abrasion has caused the gums to recede, we can do a graft in order to restore the appearance of our teeth.

From ProDent Dental Clinic we must emphasize that the patient must eliminate the causes that originate the abrasion, in the case that occurs by brushing, then the technique must be improved.

How can this be achieved? In order not to apply too much force, we should also use adequate implements and not extend brushing for more than twice a day or three minutes.

¿How can we avoid dental abrasion and possible gum recession? 

If you have any doubts about how you should brush your teeth or which are the best implements to use, you can ask for a consultation with the best dentists in Mexico at ProDent and solve all your doubts.

You should avoid at all costs open bottles and do not exert much force during brushing, you should not use wooden chopsticks to remove food from your teeth, we recommend replacing this method with interdental brushes.

It should be noted that if the dental abrasion is caused by rubbing between the teeth, bruxism, our dentists recommend using a splint. What this appliance does, is to reduce the force exerted by our patients when biting.

Now you know what dental abrasion is, its causes and the treatments we can help you apply at ProDent, if you suffer from any of these symptoms you should see your dentist immediately.

¡Make your appointment now at Clínica Dental ProDent!

ConceptsSergio Herrera