Bacterial plaque: Find out what it is and how you can fight it

Keeping dental bacterial plaque under control is of utmost importance to maintain good oral health. Most of the dental problems that people suffer from are caused by the shield of bacteria accumulated on the teeth and gingival structure.

Dental bacterial plaque is the excessive accumulation of microorganisms on the oral surface, which come from the digestive flora.

To understand more in depth what dental bacterial plaque is, it is that if it is not controlled in time, the mass adheres to our teeth, gums and tongue giving rise to periodontal problems of an infectious nature.

This plaque has a gelatinous texture that sticks to our teeth and gets into the dental fissures, damaging the teeth and also the gingival structure; it is a thin layer formed by more than 200 species of bacteria, water, cells, white blood cells and food debris.

In short, we are talking about one of the main causes of oral disease; suffering from gingivitis, halitosis, caries or periodontitis is closely related to the presence of plaque in the oral cavity.

Remember that at ProDent we will actively help you to recover the good health of your mouth, with the help of our experts you will smile again with peace of mind and without any fear.

Types of dental bacterial whitening

Depending on the type of bacterial plaque composition and its location in our oral cavity, we can distinguish several types of plaque. Below, we talk about each of them so that you can understand a little better how it acts on your oral health.

Types of bacterial plaque according to their location

Where is the bacterial plaque accumulated in your mouth? This will depend on the affectation of the tissues, or of certain dental pieces.

  • Marginal plaque: This is the plaque that accumulates on the tooth surface

  • Coronal plaque: It is located in the stagnation area, such as the marginal margin

  • Subgingival plaque: It affects the pits of the gingival sulcus and also the periodontal pockets

As you can see, the location of the plaque defines the oral structure that is being affected, as well as the type of infection that each patient may suffer. ProDent reminds you NOT TO WAIT, it is better to be safe than sorry!

Types of bacterial plaque according to its composition

According to the types of microorganisms that make up this cluster, we can distinguish two types of plaque, which are defined below:

  • Cariogenic plaque: It is the one that comes from the metabolization of food sugars, it is composed of acid-producing pathogens that damage the surface of the teeth; it is devastating because it causes irreversible damage to tooth enamel and oral infection

  • Periodontopathogenic plaque: It is formed by bacteria producing non-acidic primary substances, its action is that of periodontal affectation, always responsible for diseases such as periodontitis or gingivitis

This way you can prevent and fight dental plaque.

Nowadays we all want to have an admirable dental esthetics; it is logical, it is no secret that our smile is our letter of representation, therefore, we must maintain good dental habits and a healthy lifestyle.

Preventing the accumulation of dental bacterial plaque is to avoid diseases and associated oral problems.

Below, we bring you a list of recommendations for you to learn how to care for and maintain the good health of your mouth, a point you can not miss if you want to learn how to remove plaque.

ProDent will help you maintain good oral health, you just need to contact us to start your recovery process, in addition to continuing with a good daily oral hygiene.

Key tips on your oral hygiene to avoid dental plaque

We show you the steps you should follow for a good dental hygiene, so you can enjoy a healthy mouth free of any infection:

  • Brush your teeth daily after three meals

  • Use toothpaste suitable for your oral conditions, ProDent recommends fluoride toothpaste

  • Use a toothbrush adapted to your needs, you should change it every 2 or 3 months, the ideal is to use a toothbrush of medium hardness and an accessible brush head

  • To say goodbye to food debris between your teeth, you should use dental floss or interdental brushes, do it at least once a day

  • Keep in mind that when the interdental space is wide, dental floss is not a very effective tool, that's why we recommend interproximal brushes

  • To achieve a complete dental hygiene, it is advisable to use mouthwash; ProDent recommends the most appropriate for your case, there are many for all types of oral needs

  • You can prevent the accumulation of dental plaque with the use of a tongue cleaner, in addition to the dental irrigator and its sweeping function with strong jets of water

  • Follow the dietary guidelines to the letter and avoid eating sweet foods between meals

  • Visit your favorite dentist at ProDent at least twice a year, at least. The follow-up of your oral health is of utmost importance, this way we can detect problems in time and avoid major problems

As you can see, a daily hygiene ritual, constant visits to the dentist and good habits are key to prevent problems associated with the accumulation of dental bacterial plaque, besides being easy to apply, these steps are very effective.

Consequences of poor oral hygiene Take care of your smile!

If the remains of dental bacterial plaque are not removed, this layer accumulates and then calcifies and hardens giving rise to tartar or also known as dental calculus, your teeth will look yellowish or stained and diseases will begin to appear.

Once tartar appears, we must emphasize that daily hygiene habits are not enough and immediate intervention by a dentist is necessary.

In ProDent we have a team specialized in oral care, whatever your problem is, we can offer you a treatment adapted to you, prophylaxis is the most effective way to eliminate accumulated dental plaque and tartar.

Our team is made up of highly qualified hygienists and dentists, who will offer you their best diagnosis accompanied by only the best treatments.

If you want to keep your smile healthy and aesthetic, you must keep plaque and tartar at bay, for this we recommend not to wait any longer and request an appointment with us today. What are you waiting for?

ConceptsSergio Herrera