Do you know the best bite correction treatments? Discover them at ProDent🦷

Many of our patients, both adults and children in general, suffer from bite alterations that affect their physical and dental well-being. Starting from this point, it is of utmost importance to know the best treatments to correct the bite.
Thanks to the implementation of new techniques and materials that we can offer to all our patients at ProDent Dental Clinic, it is possible to offer numerous treatments to correct the bite.

The misalignment of our teeth no longer has to be a problem, most of the treatments we can offer are imperceptible to the eyes of others, ensuring that our treatments go unnoticed.

Types of dental treatments that will help correct your bite Make an appointment at ProDent!

Genetic issues or pernicious habits are just some of the causes of a malocclusion, an inadequate position of our maxillary teeth, an incorrect position of these in relation to the rest of the face or biting our lips or nails is a clear example of this.

Thanks to new advances in dentistry, you can choose the best solution for you, but remember that before proceeding to choose one, it is advisable to listen to the final decision of a professional dentist.

In the long term, the solutions we can offer you at ProDent Dental Clinic are the best solutions for most patients.

Why? Our treatments reposition the teeth until they are correctly aligned, orthodontics being by far the best of all treatments to correct the bite of any person.

Generally, orthodontic treatment can last from 6 to 24 months, with a definite lifespan if retainers are worn at least at night.

Remember the importance of brushing and flossing daily, you should visit at least 2 to 4 visits a year with your dentist at ProDent, once the treatment is finished and the retainers are worn.

Advantages and disadvantages of orthodontics as a treatment to correct your bite


  • The results will be permanent if the patient uses the retainers

  • Can heal or prevent possible TMJ damage

  • Greatly improves chewing

  • Improves the position of our lips 


  • Requires a long time to appreciate the final results

  • Patients will usually have to wear retainers for life

  • Retention can be problematic due to the severity of the bite problem, and therefore the patient's habits

Learn about the advantages and disadvantages of tooth contouring

Tooth contouring consists of modifying the shape of our teeth to achieve a perfect alignment. It is one of the simplest methods to correct a bad bite.

The technique is especially recommended when there is little overlapping, the length of the teeth is not at all homogeneous.

In this way we can improve bite problems in a matter of minutes, in many cases we can avoid malocclusion problems and headaches.


  • Excellent option for shaping teeth in a final esthetic phase

  • Only one visit to the dentist is needed

  • Allows shaping of all opposing teeth, thus improving the patient's bite


  • Does not correct very severe bite problems

Dental bonding as a treatment for bite correction

Dental bonding is able to help correct the lower teeth in order to minimize the effect of protrusion of our upper teeth.

This method of bite correction is commonly used to improve the color of chipped, overlapping, worn or unevenly spaced teeth.

This method usually takes about 1 hour or less per tooth, being the life of the results between 5 and 8 years, it all depends on the fractures, tissue problems, cavities and hygiene that each patient has.

So we can say that it is a quick intermediate solution, and with excellent results in certain cases, we recommend that the patient undergoes dental cleanings every year.


  • Improve the shape and color of your teeth

  • A single visit to the best dentists at ProDent is required

  • In some cases, it allows to shape the upper teeth giving a greater sensation of width of the dental arch

  • Allows you to lengthen your teeth

  • It is able to slightly improve the alignment of your teeth


  • It does not correct the bite problem, so initial orthodontic treatment is required

  • Your teeth may become chipped or stained

  • Must be replaced after 3 to 8 years

  • This treatment should be applied in patients with mild cases of bad bite

  • Teeth may become more voluminous

Porcelain veneers for dental bite correction

Porcelain veneers are a good alternative when the patient's dental arch is narrow, but when the health of the teeth is good, this treatment is used to achieve the desired objective.

This treatment is usually carried out with two views that usually last between 4 to 6 hours, in this time up to 10 teeth can be repaired and its useful life is between 5 and 12 years depending on the fractures.

The maintenance is nothing more than a good brushing and continuous use of dental floss, you should be very careful when biting not to exert too much force and request between 2 and 4 dental cleanings per year.


  • It allows you to improve the color and shape of your teeth

  • The treatment can be performed in a few sessions

  • In many cases it allows to confirm the upper teeth giving a sensation of a wider dental arch

  • Allows you to lengthen your teeth

  • Helps to slightly improve dental alignment


  • Does not help to correct severe cases of bite

  • Must be replaced after 5 to 12 years

  • This treatment should be applied in mild cases

  • Teeth may become bulky i'm

Crowns details help to correct the bite Find out how!

Last but not least, dental crowns are the treatment of choice when there is extreme wear on the teeth as a result of the passage of time or problems such as bruxism.

This treatment can be performed in 2 visits of 2 to 4 hours to restore up to 4 teeth, its useful life is between 5 and 15 years, everything depends on fractures, possible problems in the tissues, caries and even poor hygiene by the patient.


  • It allows to improve the angle, shape and color of our teeth

  • The crowns installed on the back teeth, allow to improve the bite and also the facial aesthetics of the patients who undergo this treatment

  • It allows to lengthen the teeth


  • They usually modify the teeth by removing much of the enamel they have

  • This treatment does not always correct the bite problem

  • They can force to devitalize the tooth to improve its position, as well as the smile line

The nature of the treatments we have described in this article leads us to determine that orthodontics is, in most cases, the best way to correct the bite.

The dentists at ProDent evaluate each patient's smile to thoroughly determine which treatment is the best way to proceed to restore the patient's bite.

ConceptsSergio Herrera