Root Canal

What Is A Root Canal in Tijuana Treatment?

A root canal in Tijuana is nothing more than a procedure to remove all the infected pulp inside any tooth, but not only this, it also cleans, disinfects and shapes your root canals.

After this procedure has been carried out, a kind of filling should be placed, in order to seal the remaining space.

In order to understand in greater depth what is a root canal in Tijuana, or also known as root canal treatment, it is necessary that you first know the way in which a tooth is formed.

  • Enamel: The strongest and most resistant layer that makes up a tooth. 

  • Dentin: The second dental layer where the pulp chamber is located, where the dental nerve is housed.

  • Root canals: The part of the tooth where the root canal or canals are located. 

When is necessary a root canal in Tijuana treatment?


But if the tooth is too infected, extraction will be required instead. On the other hand if there’s no infection inside the tooth, the dental issues can be fixed with other treatments.


When is necessary a root canal in Tijuana treatment?

A toothache is the most common symptom when needing a dentist Tijuana root canal, this is because when the pulp of our tooth becomes inflamed or otherwise infected, it can cause pain that is too intense.

It should be noted that a root canal in Tijuana is the last chance you have to avoid at all costs an extraction of some of your teeth.

This is because it prevents a tooth that is seriously injured and infected from needing to be extracted in order to improve your dental health.
Important note: If the tooth is too infected, an extraction will be the only viable solution; on the other hand, if there is no infection inside your tooth, this dental problem can be solved with other kinds of treatments.

Avoid the consequences of a damaged nerve with endodontic treatment in Tijuana

Spontaneous pain, prolonged sensitivity to either heat or cold, swelling and discomfort in the gum around the infected tooth, and an extremely noticeable change in tooth color.

Although sometimes these symptoms may not be present, it will be necessary to visit ProDent and your Tijuana root canal dentist to solve this problem.

If you perceive any of these symptoms, do not hesitate to contact us to find the most accessible solution. Keep in mind that with the help of ProDent we can perform this procedure painlessly.

What is the procedure of a root canal in Tijuana like? Does it hurt?  

Patients have a great fear of undergoing a root canal procedure in Tijuana, not knowing that they will suffer much more if this problem is not treated in time.

It should be noted that root canals are intended to stop at all costs the pain caused by inflammation and infection.

The expert endodontist that you will find at ProDent will administer local anesthesia, which means that you will not feel any pain during the entire procedure.

On the other hand, after an endodontic treatment in Tijuana is performed, a slight pain and discomfort in the affected area may occur, and its duration could be between 2 or 3 days for each patient.

Step 1: 

The first step of a root canal in Tijuana is to make a small perforation in the upper part of the tooth, so that the endodontist can use special instruments to cut out the infected pulp.

Step 2: 

The second step would be to fill the entire empty space, with the help of a special gum to prevent the infection from returning and to protect the overall integrity of the tooth.

Step 3: 

After step 1 and 2, your ProDent endodontist will place a dental crown or a small inlay over the hole to cover it completely and keep your tooth safe.

But don't worry, all this situation can be mitigated with the help of medications previously prescribed by our dentists at ProDent.



After a Root Canal, do my teeth need to be removed?

Generally, teeth that are treated by a root canal in Tijuana can last as long or much longer than the other natural teeth in your mouth without any problems.

However, you must take into consideration that this point will depend greatly on the oral hygiene of each patient, otherwise poor hygiene will make it possible for the infection to return.

In the case of this terrible situation, then it will be necessary for the diseased tooth to be extracted, so all the previous root canal treatment in Tijuana was a waste of time.

Don't waste any more time and contact ProDent, ask for expert advice if you want a root canal in Tijuana!