
The dental gum grafting that we perform at ProDent is a highly recommended procedure for all those patients who suffer from fragile gum tissue or recession in some of their teeth.

This condition is associated with tooth sensitivity, or it can also be applied without any problem to all those who complain about the appearance of their long teeth.

Among the most common causes for performing a dental gum grafting procedure, we can find the following reasons: 

  • Very poor oral hygiene 

  • Brushing too aggressive 

  • Periodontal disease 

  • Traumatic bite 

  • Bruxism, among others...

It is worth mentioning that dental gum grafting is a fast and effective method to cover the roots of teeth.

Not only will it give you a better smile and improved aesthetics, but it will also improve the aesthetics of your teeth and thus extend the health of your teeth.

If you are wondering if you will need to take any special care after a dental gum graft procedure.

Although this process is not very painful due to the fact that all surgery that usually involves soft tissue, it is usually not so painful.

But even so, each patient must follow a certain protocol after surgery, including treatment with corticosteroids and other painkillers prescribed by our dentist at ProDent.

On the other hand, the dental gum graft will have to be kept completely clean by using a surgical brush, and you will not be able to use rinses until 48 hours after the procedure.

What are the results of a patient undergoing a dental gum grafting procedure? 

Performing a dental gum graft surgery has excellent results for all those steps in which the patient presents certain aesthetic problems.

Or simply because of a cold where there is a lot of pain, caused by the presence of receding gums or gingival recession, whatever your case is, with the help of ProDent you will get only the best results.

Here are some of the complications that may occur after dental gum graft surgery.

Complications of dental gum grafting What you should be aware of! 

The main complication that can occur at the end of a dental gum graft is tissue necrosis due to lack of vascularization; for this reason, ProDent recommends patients to stop smoking before performing this surgery.

For this same reason, trauma to this area can cause detachment of the graft from the gingival retraction zone where the gingival graft has been sutured.

It is at this point where a lack of vascularization can occur, thus causing necrosis.

Possible causes of failed dental gum grafting 

  • One of the most common causes for a failed gum graft is smoking, in many cases this is a contraction to perform a graft. 

  • The second cause is direct trauma to the gingival graft during healing itself; this could be due to an accidental direct blow to the healing area.

  • The third most common cause is due to incorrect brushing of the area caused by using a non-surgical brush.

Step by step of a dental gum grafting performed by professionals at ProDent 

As for the cost of dental gum graft, we can assure you that at ProDent you will find an affordable price, plus you will receive a good treatment and a very comfortable step by step: 

  • Firstly, at ProDent we start by preparing the patient and the teeth where the graft will be placed, the exposed root surface will have to be cleaned and polished. 

After this, incisions will have to be made on the gingival tissue, which is located around the tooth or teeth.

  • Once we have everything prepared, we must harvest the gum graft from the palate; a window is made with a linear incision to extract the graft. 

  • The third and final step is to suture the gum graft to the tooth or teeth, simple and painless steps for a dental gum graft surgery.

Whatever the reason for your dental gum graft surgery, at ProDent we help make it happen!