Here is some of the care you should follow after wisdom tooth extraction

Wisdom teeth, also known as wisdom teeth or wisdom teeth, may or may not erupt between adolescence and adulthood. This usually happens long after the rest of the permanent teeth erupt.

Their anatomy can vary from person to person, as they can have between one and six canals, as well as one to four roots.

Although many people believe that wisdom teeth should not always be removed, this can be determined with the help of an x-ray, which should show how the tooth is growing and whether it has room to do so.

A large number of people have discomfort when wisdom teeth begin to erupt, especially when they do not have enough space to erupt and push the other teeth or their eruption orientation is horizontal or angular.

The following are the most common symptoms of wisdom teeth eruption:

  • Reddened gums: They become swollen and may even become tender and bleed during brushing

  • Pain in the area near the wisdom tooth: This discomfort is a little more extensive, as it can affect the hatred, head and throat

  • Fever (sometimes): This occurs only when there is infection in the area of the wisdom tooth

  • Pain in the jaw: Only when you are going to eat

  • Bad breath and unpleasant taste: This symptom is rare, so very few patients suffer from it

It is also common that when wisdom teeth erupt and break part of the gum tissue, they cause pressure in the area due to obstruction by the same tissue or by another tooth.

Risks of not performing wisdom tooth extraction

As we have already mentioned, it is not always necessary to perform an extraction of wisdom teeth, to determine this you must visit a professional to provide you with a diagnosis.

In case you need the extraction of these molars and you do not have it done on time, you should be aware that you may suffer from some risks and conditions, such as:

  • Severe damage to your teeth such as crowding, or even the wisdom teeth may break other teeth to make room for them to erupt

  • Gum disease, such as periodontitis

  • Intense pain in the area of the wisdom teeth, which makes it difficult to perform daily activities. You may also suffer from discomfort from crowding, due to the pressure exerted by the wisdom teeth

  • You can also suffer from cavities, since the tooth can not come out completely; due to instructions, being more prone to have problems

There is no doubt that not having your wisdom teeth extracted at the right time can lead to many oral problems that you don't want to go through.

What should we expect after wisdom teeth extraction?

A great way to prepare for oral surgery is to know what to expect when the surgery is over, you will feel numb from the local anesthesia.

It is common to feel pain for a few days and the area where the tooth was, the cheeks and even parts of the neck will be swollen.

It is worth mentioning that you may also have slight bleeding, but not very prolonged during the first days after the surgery.

Bruises can also be taken as something common, but in case you have some, they usually disappear very quickly and without leaving any trace.

Assist with the specialist in case of emergency 

At the end of this type of intervention it is normal to have bleeding, the best dentists in Tijuana at ProDent will place a sterile gauze to contain it, but after 30 minutes the amount of blood should decrease considerably.

As the days go by this symptom should disappear completely, most people do not develop any major problems. In this case you can put some gauze on the area and apply a little force, this for about 10 minutes.

When the bleeding stops you should proceed to rinse your mouth, it is very important that if you notice the following symptoms go to your dentist:

  • Significant and prolonged bleeding

  • Difficulty in swallowing and even breathing

  • Fever

  • Severe, sharp pain in the treated area, which is not relieved by medications

  • Swelling in the area after 3 days following extraction

  • All these symptoms can appear because there is an infectious problem or the area is not healing properly

Other care tips after wisdom teeth extraction

  1. You can apply some ice on the outside of the inflamed cheek, this way you can reduce the pain and swelling. Consuming cold drinks also helps a little

  1. Keep your head up for the first few days, use pillows if you are going to lie down in bed

  2. We strongly recommend you not to smoke during the healing time of the area

  3. Do not take aspirin, these, believe it or not, worsen the bleeding in case there is any

  4. You should not eat foods that have seeds or similar elements, these fragments could be trapped inside the socket or incision and cause complications such as the appearance of infections

These are some care after wisdom teeth extraction that we advise you to follow, if you are looking for specialists in the subject contact us right now and ask for your appointment with the best dentists in Tijuana.

ConceptsSergio Herrera