What is Xerostomia and why should we take care of a dry and pasty mouth?

There are many patients who come daily and continuously to our ProDent Dental Clinic in Tijuana to ask us about ways or treatments to eliminate dry and pasty mouth

First of all, we must take into account that a dry and pasty mouth is called Xerostomia, which is a very annoying sensation since it causes an impression of lack of saliva in our mouth.

Stress and nerves are the first causes that can lead to temporary dry mouth. If this condition persists, it can make it difficult to ingest food, and even cause much more serious oral diseases.

Understanding what Xerostomia is begins with knowing that this condition affects approximately 20-30% of the world's population in general.

It is known to be suffered mainly by people over 50 years of age, although it has also been discovered in people who take medications such as:

  • Anxiolytics or Antidepressants

ProDent reminds you that cleaning our mouth of microorganisms allows us to eat and drink any food comfortably.

Remember that it influences the way we perceive the taste of our food, facilitates speech and most importantly, protects the enamel of our teeth.

So we can say that knowing what Xerostomia is, makes us understand how much saliva does for us and how little we know about it.

But don't worry, read on to find out exactly what dry and pasty mouth disorder is, what causes it and the ways we can treat it.

Causes for the presence of Xerostomia or dry and pasty mouth

When you come to ProDent Dental Clinic in Tijuana, we make an assessment of your mouth in general and ask a series of questions to reach a diagnosis, here are some of them.

Use of medications 

The medications that most often produce the symptom of Xerostomia, or dry and pasty mouth, are all those used to treat stress, anxiety and blood pressure.

On the other hand, all those people who suffer from allergies and take antihistamines are also prone to suffer from dry mouth.

Stingy consumption and alcohol 

Tobacco and alcohol greatly irritate our mouth causing the mucosa to dry out, thus weakening the salivary glands and causing a decrease in salivary flow, resulting in dry mouth.

Different diseases 

Those suffering from diseases such as AIDS, Sjogren's syndrome, depression and diabetes suffer from the symptom of dry and pasty mouth, and it all arises from not knowing the meaning of what Xerostomia is.

Insomnia or failure to sleep adequately 

Many people snore and/or breathe through the mouth during their sleep hours, causing dry and pasty mouth syndrome.

Nowadays, many kinds of techniques and devices have been developed to avoid snoring during sleep.

Chemotherapy and Radiotherapy 

Undergoing chemotherapy and radiotherapy treatment greatly damages the salivary glands, the duration of dry mouth in this case is temporary and lasts between (2-8 weeks).

Xerostomia or dry mouth symptoms 

Believe it or not, dry and pasty mouth is a much more common symptom than you might think. Although it is not a good taste plan, it is a very annoying and uncomfortable situation, especially at mealtime.

Below, ProDent lists the most common symptoms of dry mouth and why we should know exactly what Xerostomia is.

  • You have a hard time speaking and expressing yourself

  • Discomfort chewing, swallowing and tasting all kinds of food

  • Appearance of sores, chapped lips and severe burning sensation

  • Bad breath

  • Possible infections in the mouth

  • Discomfort in the tongue due to dry mouth and roughness, or known as pasty mouth 

Treatments offered by ProDent to treat Xerostomia or dry, pasty mouth

As we have seen throughout this article, there are many causes of dry and pasty mouth, ProDent advises you to visit our dentists to help you prevent or treat this problem.

We offer you some home remedies that will help you reduce and alleviate dry mouth, to reduce discomfort until you visit your favorite dentist. 

  • Caffeine contributes to the onset of dry mouth, which means that you will have to reduce the amount you consume on a daily basis.

  • Chewing gum and sucking on candies that do not contain sugars can greatly help stimulate salivary flow.

  • If you are a smoker, you will have to reduce the amount of tobacco and, if possible, eliminate its consumption. 

  • Alcohol causes the condition of dry and pasty mouth, reduce the doses you consume and if possible eliminate the total consumption.

  • Drinking plenty of water can prevent dry mouth

  • If you have a humidifier at home, we advise you to use it at night, especially if you are a snorer and/or are prone to sleep with your mouth open. 

  • Brushing your teeth three times a day helps prevent disease, resulting from dry mouth and a pasty mouth

Why come to ProDent for a Xerostomia or dry and pasty mouth assessment?

Although at first glance it may seem like a minor problem, Xerostomia causes a lot of discomfort and quickly worsens the quality of life of those who suffer from it.

In addition to this, dry and pasty mouth influences the appearance of many other health problems that are undoubtedly very serious.

For this reason, and although you can improve a lot with all the tips we have mentioned, do not hesitate to send us your questions or ask for an appointment at our ProDent Dental Clinic in Tijuana.

This way we will be able to evaluate your case in depth, and offer you the best treatment that fits you and your mouth.

ProDent makes it possible for you!

ProDent reminds you that it is of utmost importance to prevent dry mouth in time and to know the meaning of what Xerostomia is; to be able to cure ourselves in health and not fall into other much more serious oral diseases.

¡If your dry mouth persists, you should see a dentist for a dental check-up!

ConceptsSergio Herrera