Ways to care for dental implants ProDent shows you how!🦷

Knowing how to take care of dental implants ensures them a long and useful life, of course, this will always be the case if they are well cared for. For this reason it is of utmost importance to have a correct oral hygiene routine, as well as to follow the dentist's indications to the letter and periodically carry out the necessary controls.

What are dental implants?

Ways to care for dental implants

Dental implants are pieces that are implanted in the jaw through a surgical procedure, they are used to replace lost teeth, when they are no longer permanent; or to support artificial teeth, crowns or bridges.

The reason to use them is the lack of one or more teeth, or simply to have loose dentures.

Thanks to dental implants near me at ProDent, mouth functions can be restored to normal and patients' appearance improved, allowing them to regain their self-confidence.

Ways to care for dental implants This is what you should know! 🎯 

Ways to care for dental implants

Knowing the ways to take care of dental implants is not an easy task, especially if we take into account that we must always take care of our oral health, whether we have dental implants or not.

🎯When placing dental implants

below, our dentists in Tijuana will offer you some suggestions that you can take if you are having dental implants placed soon.

Keep in mind that the healing time of dental implants, after surgery, can be up to six months. But without proper care this time can be even longer, so that this does not happen check the following:

  • 🎯For the first week after surgery, we recommend eating only soft foods

  • 🎯At least during the first seven days, you should not consume spicy or hot beverages

  • 🎯Follow to the letter the indicated treatment, in terms of medications and care that your surgeon tells you

  • ❌Ingesting alcohol and smoking can cause slow healing and recovery. Therefore, the first few days you can not consume any type of alcoholic beverages, much less smoking. On this last point, consult your dentist, because you may have to suspend the consumption of alcohol and cigarettes until the dental implants have healed completely

✅When you already have dental implants

Ways to care for dental implants

When you have dental implants, you must remember to maintain good oral health, so you can prevent the appearance of plaque and bacteria that can damage the surrounding tissues of the implants. For them you should apply the following tips: 

  • ✅Dental floss: Use dental floss twice a day, especially on the sides where the dental implants are located. This way we can remove accumulated food debris that causes dental plaque. It is important to buy a special dental floss for those who have dental implants

  • ✅Adequate toothbrush:Choose a toothbrush with soft and flexible truths; toothbrushes with hard truths can scratch the implants. Another option is to make use of an electric toothbrush, remember that the brushing routine should be two minutes

  • ✅Products for sensitive teeth: Toothpaste and mouthwash that we use daily can be very abrasive. For this, when you have dental implants, it is best to use those that come for sensitive teeth or are gentle. Mouth care products with strong mint or cinnamon flavors can cause discomfort

  • ✅Drink plenty of water: Drinking water contributes to the formation of more saliva, which helps to remove food debris and bacteria and to neutralize the acids produced by bacteria in the mouth

  • ✅Regular visits to the dentist: We recommend visiting the dentist at least twice a year, so you can ensure proper care of your oral health, which also translates into better care of the implants and a much longer life. The best dentists in Tijuana that ProDent can offer you, will verify that the dental implants are in excellent condition and that everything is working properly

⚠️Nota important: Dental implants are not an inexpensive treatment at all, therefore, all the care that can be taken is necessary. With the help of good maintenance they can last a lifetime.

Dental implants near me: ProDent in Tijuana 

Ways to care for dental implants

If you are looking for cheap dental implants near me in Tijuana, we must take into account before anything else to receive a guaranteed quality service. Because, as we already know, many times cheap can be very expensive.

And when it comes to health issues, especially when it concerns something as important as the mouth and face, we can not skimp on expenses.

At ProDent we have agreements with only the best manufacturers and we are at the forefront of the latest medical techniques to replace lost teeth. If you have lost a tooth, do not hesitate and come to our facilities for a professional diagnosis.

As you can see, these are some simple ways to take care of your dental implants. Just remember to keep them in mind on a daily basis so you can maintain proper oral health and keep your implants for much longer.

At ProDent we restore your smile to regain your confidence, the best specialists and the best technology to restore your smile!