Tips for choosing the best tongue cleaner: Make it easy with expert help!

Have you ever stopped to see what your tongue looks like, if it looks pink or has a white coating on its surface? To solve this problem we can turn to a tongue cleaner.

It is common to hear some of our patients say that they forget this area of their mouth, which they believe is as important as the rest.

Tongue cleaner

With the help of these tips you will be able to choose the best tongue cleaner, with the help of ProDent Dental Clinic experts you can learn much more about your oral hygiene, besides improving notoriously.

You may now be wondering why you should keep your tongue clean and what you should do to keep it that way?

You should keep in mind that our tongue is a muscle and in it are the papillae, which are responsible for the sense of taste. Its anatomy is not smooth, but has grooves in which bacteria accumulate very easily.

So if it is not cleaned frequently, these bacteria cause more papillae to become inflamed, giving rise to the white coating that we sometimes see appearing on our tongue.

This also generates other problems such as halitosis, also known as bad breath, and also makes us prone to tooth decay and periodontal disease.

Therefore, keeping our tongue clean is key to keeping our whole mouth healthy, besides, this muscle is involved in digestion, feeding and speech.

Remember that by taking care of the cleanliness of our tongue, we are not only taking care of our oral health, but of our whole body.

Apart from helping to reduce diseases, a tongue cleaner also helps us to improve the perception of the flavors of each food.

Start paying a little more attention to this area, which is just as important as keeping our teeth clean.

How to clean the dirt or that foul-smelling white coating from our tongue?

When cleaning the tongue we must make sure to keep it healthy, but we must do it in the right way. To do this, we must take into account its physical characteristics in order to understand how to clean it.

Tongue cleaner

Although we are talking about a strong muscle, at the same time it tends to be very delicate, so we should not apply too much force on it. Its characteristic pink color must be unique, so if we notice any other shade it may indicate a problem.

Last but not least, the surface is irregular, it has grooves and we must reach all of them in order to get rid of all the bacteria that could live there, thus reducing the bacterial plaque on our teeth.

Knowing all this, here are some tips to help you learn how to keep your tongue clean: 

  • The first thing you should do is check the appearance of your tongue to make sure it looks healthy, free of stains or other lesions

  • Use mouthwash to help remove bacteria, and gargling with warm salt water will also help

  • You should not only clean the upper side of the tongue, but also the sides of the tongue

  • Cleaning should be done from the back to the front, as this will help prevent bacteria from returning to the body

  • Rinse your mouth as you clean and at the end of the cleaning process

  • Repeat the process 2 or three times a day, making the most of the brushing time to do it

Ask your dentist in Tijuana right now to explain the process to remove bacteria from your tongue.

Benefits of using a tongue cleaner This is what you need to know!

Using a tongue cleaner is usually one of the most forgotten parts when it comes to oral hygiene, but we must keep in mind that using this tool is key if we want to enjoy a healthier and fresher mouth.

Tongue cleaner

The benefits of using a tongue cleaner are:

  • You'll enjoy a cleaner mouth: In addition to brushing your teeth twice a day with a real soft toothbrush and flossing, you also need to brush your tongue for a cleaner mouth and fresh breath. This will remove excess plaque and odors from your tongue

  • Improve the appearance of your mouth: Excess food debris can cause your tongue to turn white, with a strong smelly coating on it. Using a daily tongue cleaner can help remove it and prevent it from resurfacing

  • You will have fresher breath: Bad breath can be caused by diet, poor oral hygiene, dry mouth, gum disease, among other conditions. The tongue cleaner will help you remove all these particles better than the bristles of a regular toothbrush

  • Improve your sense of taste: This is a great benefit of using a tongue cleaner, your food will taste much better. This is because dead cells and food debris can create a coating on your tongue after eating, which can clog your taste buds; by using a tongue cleaner you remove bacteria and improve your sense of taste

  • Improve your overall health: Removing bacteria from your mouth is vital to prevent tooth decay, gum disease and other conditions that can affect the good health of your mouth. In addition, you will not only be improving your hygiene, but also the overall look and feel of your tongue

How to use the tongue cleaner (lingual)?

If you choose a tongue cleaner for better oral hygiene, here are the steps to follow to use it correctly in a simple way:

  1. Start by rinsing your mouth with a little mouthwash and then with clean water

  2. Stick out your tongue as far as you can

  3. Place the tongue cleaner on the back of your tongue, as much as you can and avoiding possible gagging. The first few times it will be a little uncomfortable, but as you get used to it, you may be able to use it further back

  4. Slide the cleaner firmly from back to front, do not press too hard as you may hurt yourself

  5. After each swipe you should rinse your tongue and the cleaner

  6. Apply the same procedure on the sides of your tongue

  7. At the end rinse your whole mouth well and also the cleaner

Choose the tongue cleaner that best fits your mouth according to its shape and size!

Tongue cleaners come in two designs, one is either Y-shaped or U-shaped, the former are held with one hand and the latter with both hands.

Tongue cleaner

We should mention that there are models that are more ergonomic than others, some also have a protrusion on one side to better adapt to the shape of your tongue.

If you have the opportunity we recommend using all the tongue cleaners, this way you will be able to know exactly which one you feel more comfortable with.

Remember that the size is also of utmost importance, because if it is too big it can unquestionably be more uncomfortable. So be aware of the size of your tongue or who will be using the tongue cleaner.

Are there any risks associated with using a tongue cleaner?

Many of our patients are often concerned about nausea when using a tongue cleaner, and this can lead to vomiting when you are using it. To avoid this, do not carry the cleaner too far back on your tongue, especially at first.

Another possible accident could be that you accidentally cut the surface of your tongue, to avoid this you should check it for any hard or uneven edges before using it again. Also, remember not to apply too much pressure.

Follow these tips and we assure you that you will be able to choose and use the best tongue cleaner, you can always ask your trusted dentist at ProDent which one suits you best.

Make an appointment in our office so our dentists can help you with your mouth care!

Tongue cleaner
ConceptsSergio Herrera