Learn about the benefits of cosmetic dentistry in Tijuana. Is it really worth it?

Taking care of our personal image is more important every day in almost every aspect of life, and if there is an element that stands out in it is undoubtedly our smile, for that reason you should know everything that cosmetic dentistry Tijuana can offer you.

Our smile is capable of transmitting all kinds of emotions, as well as confidence and security, besides helping greatly to raise our self-esteem.

However, on many occasions that smile is affected by different dental problems, this is where cosmetic dentistry Tijuana comes in.

First of all, we must begin by explaining that cosmetic dentistry is the branch that focuses on the esthetic aspect of our teeth.

Thanks to multiple treatments used to improve the smile, it is possible to avoid or correct dental problems that go beyond aesthetics, and that have functional relevance.

In this case we can highlight the loss of teeth, which have become the biggest problem facing any person today.

These treatments that make up cosmetic dentistry Tijuana, are several and we can find the following:

  • Veneers 

  • Bridges 

  • Tooth-colored fillings 

  • Whitening 

  • Implants, among others...

Due to the existence of different types of procedures, it is common that there are frequently asked questions; in this article we will answer them and help you solve all your doubts.

cosmetic dentistry

Benefits offered by cosmetic dentistry Tijuana

ProDent offers you the best cosmetic dentist in Tijuana, which thanks to the multiple existing treatments, gets the patient to recover or can show a natural and bright smile.

On the other hand, we must take into account that this kind of treatment is performed in very few sessions, which means that the results are seen immediately.

Además de esto, te alegrará saber que son totalmente indoloras, aunque en el peor de los casos el paciente apenas llegará a notar una pequeña molestia.

If you need to undergo a cosmetic dentistry treatment in Tijuana, just make your appointment right now at our dental clinic in Tijuana "ProDent".

We offer all our patients only the best treatments, remember that in ProDent we stay at the forefront of the dental sector and the latest advances.

What treatments are performed in cosmetic dentistry Tijuana?

The treatments on which cosmetic dentistry Tijuana relies are very different from each other, for this reason, you should only go to a specialist to evaluate the problem and offer you the most appropriate solution.


Some foods, tobacco, medications, genetic factors or age are factors that can alter the natural color of our teeth, in the worst case stains are present.

With the help of this treatment offered by cosmetic dentistry Tijuana, we can lighten our teeth in various shades, making them become as natural as possible.


They can hide small defects such as trauma, pieces of different sizes or separated or discoloration.

It is worth mentioning that prior to this, our expert dentist at ProDent performs a study of the dentition, in order to design veneers that fit the facial characteristics of each patient.

Dental crowns 

Its function is to reconstruct severely damaged teeth, currently they are made of zirconium, a material known for being extremely resistant and perfectly mimic the shade of natural teeth.

Cosmetic dentistry Tijuana not only helps you to improve the aesthetics of your smile, but also, like dental crowns, you will be able to recover the functionality of the teeth they cover.


Currently anyone can go to this kind of treatment, this is because there are metal-free implants and minimally invasive techniques to achieve it.

With ProDent and the best cosmetic dentist Tijuana, you can recover the functionality of your teeth and thus prevent the rest of the pieces, thus causing multiple problems.

We must always keep in mind that it is not only a question of aesthetics, but also that we seek at all costs that the jaw of our patients function properly.

Smile rejuvenation 

Not all the treatments that make up cosmetic dentistry Tijuana are focused on our teeth, other factors such as aging can alter our smile.

In this case, the expert dentist acts in the peribucal area to attenuate wrinkles, for this hyaluronic acid is used which is a substance that our body produces naturally.

cosmetic dentistry

What should you keep in mind during a cosmetic dentistry procedure in Tijuana?

To feel more at ease during a cosmetic dentistry treatment in Tijuana, you can ask your dentist at ProDent these three questions.

Of course, also consider that a cosmetic dentistry specialist will cover all of these points.

  • Make an aesthetic analysis of your smile 

  • Diagnose any problem and then propose a treatment to solve it

  • Start the treatment with the necessary materials and technology, making everything as quick and painless as possible

  • Suggest good practices so you can keep your smile healthy, for much longer

At ProDent dental clinic we can find staff specialized in cosmetic dentistry Tijuana, rest assured that we can help you maintain a healthy and perfect smile.

Cosmetic Dentistry Tijuana at ProDent dental climate

A good cosmetic dentistry in Tijuana translates into improving the quality of life of all our patients, as well as offering them a much more harmonious appearance and a smile that will give pleasure to show.

At ProDent dental clinic, we care about the welfare of our patients, and that is what encourages us to keep innovating constantly and keep updating, to offer at all times the latest developments in the dental sector.

Thanks to the use of new techniques offered by the market, and the experience of our multidisciplinary team, we can guarantee you truly lasting, natural and individual results.

All these characteristics will be in accordance with the harmony of your face, thus achieving the desired appearance, and all this thanks to cosmetic dentistry Tijuana.
¡Don't wait any longer, make your appointment and get advice from the best cosmetic dentist in Tijuana