Is it normal to feel pain after a dental filling? The best dentists in Tijuana explain to you

A dental filling is a dental procedure performed to treat tooth decay.

It consists of removing the decay from the damaged part of the tooth and filling the cavity with a dental filling material, such as composite resin, amalgam or porcelain.

The goal of a dental filling is to restore the function and shape of the damaged tooth and prevent the progression of tooth decay, which can otherwise affect the pulp of the tooth and require a root canal.

Dental fillings are commonly performed in dental offices and can usually be completed in a single session.

Which filling material is best for a perfect smile?

There are different types of filling materials, and the choice of the best material will depend on several factors, such as the location of the caries, the size of the cavity, the desired esthetics and the preference of the dentist and the patient.

Some of the most common filling materials are:

  • Composite resin: It is an esthetic material that adapts to the color of the tooth and is used for restorations on the visible surfaces of the teeth. It is strong and durable, but may require replacement after a few years due to wear and discoloration

  • Amalgam: A mixture of metals, such as silver, tin and mercury, used for posterior dental restorations. It is a strong and durable material, but is not as esthetic as composite resin

  • Ceramic: A highly esthetic material used for dental restorations on the visible surfaces of teeth. It is strong and durable, but is more expensive than other materials

  • Glass ionomer: A fluoride-releasing material used for dental restorations on non-visible surfaces, such as molars. It is less resistant than other materials, but has the advantage of releasing fluoride, which helps prevent tooth decay

Ultimately, the choice of filling material will depend on the needs and preferences of the individual patient and the dentist's evaluation.

Dental fillings: Is pain a sign that something is wrong?

The placement of dental fillings is generally painless, as local anesthesia is used to numb the area where the procedure is to be performed.

The dentist will apply an anesthetic to the gum near the affected tooth to numb the area and prevent the patient from feeling pain during the filling placement.

After the anesthetic is applied, the dentist will remove the tooth decay and prepare the cavity for the filling. In some cases, the patient may feel slight pain or discomfort due to the vibration of the dental tool used to remove the cavity.

However, this is usually temporary and disappears once the tooth preparation is completed.

Once the filling is placed, the patient may feel some sensitivity in the treated area, which is normal and usually disappears within a few days.

In very rare cases, the patient may experience severe pain after the procedure, which may be a sign of a complication, such as an infection or an allergy to the filling material.

It should be noted that if this occurs, it is important to inform the dentist as soon as possible for further treatment.

Don't be alarmed! Discover all the discomforts that can occur after a dental filling

After the placement of a dental filling, some discomfort may occur, although it is usually temporary and disappears in a few days.

Here are some of the most common discomforts that may arise after having a dental filling placed:

  • Tooth sensitivity: It is normal to feel slight tooth sensitivity after the placement of a dental filling. This is because the dental pulp may be slightly irritated after the procedure. The sensitivity usually disappears in a few days

  • Pain: In some cases, there may be mild to moderate pain after dental filling placement. This may be due to inflammation of the tissue around the tooth or irritation of the dental pulp. If the pain persists for more than a few days, it is important to inform the dentist

  • Change in bite: After the dental filling is placed, you may notice a change in the way your teeth come together when you bite down. This may be due to the way the filling is placed and usually disappears within a few days

  • Allergy: In rare cases, a patient may be allergic to one of the materials used in the dental filling. This can cause swelling, itching and redness in the mouth. If you experience these symptoms, it is important to inform your dentist immediately

In general, discomfort after the placement of a dental filling is temporary and can be treated with over-the-counter analgesics.

If pain or sensitivity persists for more than a few days, it is important to inform the dentist for further treatment.

Tooth sensitivity after a filling? Find out if it's a sign of a poorly done filling

A dental filling is a routine and safe procedure, but as with any dental procedure, complications are possible.

Below, the specialists at ProDent present you with some symptoms of a poorly done dental filling:

  • Persistent tooth sensitivity: Tooth sensitivity is common after the placement of a dental filling, but if it persists for more than a few weeks, it could be a sign that the filling is not properly sealing the tooth cavity

  • Pain: If you experience sharp pain in the treated tooth after a dental filling, it could be a sign that the filling is not seating properly or that the tooth is inflamed or infected

  • Bite changes: If you notice a change in the way your teeth come together when you bite down after a dental filling, it may be a sign that the filling is not fitting properly

  • Cracks in the filling: If the filling cracks or fractures, it may allow bacteria to enter the tooth cavity and cause new tooth decay

  • Discoloration: If the filling becomes discolored or stained, it may be a sign that food and bacteria are seeping under the filling, which can lead to new tooth decay or infection

If you experience any of these symptoms after a dental filling, it is important to contact your dentist as soon as possible so that they can evaluate you and determine if any adjustments or additional treatment is necessary.

How to relieve pain after a dental filling?

It is normal to experience some sensitivity or discomfort after having a dental filling placed, but if you experience acute or persistent pain, the best dentists in Tijuana that ProDent can offer you help explain everything you need to know about it.

  • Take pain relievers: You can take over-the-counter pain relievers such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen to relieve pain. Be sure to follow the manufacturer's instructions and do not exceed the recommended dosage

  • Apply ice: You can apply ice to the affected area for 10-15 minutes at a time, several times a day. Ice can help reduce inflammation and pain

  • Avoid hard or sticky foods: You may need to avoid hard or sticky foods for a while after the dental filling is placed. These can put pressure on the affected tooth and increase sensitivity

  • Use a toothpaste for sensitive teeth: A toothpaste for sensitive teeth can help reduce tooth sensitivity and pain

  • Rest: It is important to get enough rest after the dental filling is placed. Stress and lack of sleep can increase sensitivity and pain

If pain persists for more than a few days after the dental filling, it is important to contact your dentist.

They can check the filling and determine if any adjustments or additional treatment is necessary.

🦷ProDent Dental Clinic: State-of-the-art technology in dental fillings 

Do you need a dental filling treatment? ProDent can help you! At our dental clinic, we have a team of highly trained professionals and state-of-the-art technology to ensure you receive the best possible care.

Here are some of the benefits of hiring our services for a dental filling treatment:

  • Professionalism: At ProDent, we specialize in a wide range of dental treatments, including dental fillings. Our dentists are highly trained and have years of experience in placing dental fillings, which means you can trust us and our quality treatments

  • Advanced technology: We use state-of-the-art technology to perform our dental treatments, including the placement of dental fillings. This allows us to provide accurate, efficient and comfortable treatments for our patients

  • Personalized attention: At ProDent, we understand that each patient is unique, and that is why we offer personalized attention for each case. We take the time to understand your needs and concerns, and we work with you to find the best solution for you

  • Focus on patient comfort: We know that dental treatments can be intimidating for some patients. That's why we focus on ensuring your comfort throughout the entire dental filling process

  • Long-lasting results: Our goal is to provide you with long-lasting, satisfying dental filling results. We use high quality materials to ensure that your dental fillings last as long as possible

Are you ready to begin your treatment? At ProDent, we are committed to providing you with the best dental care possible.

If you need dental filling treatment, don't hesitate to contact us and schedule an appointment. We're here to help you get your smile back to a healthy, bright smile.